我是完全自学的 Python,所以很是明白自学对于一个人的考验,所以在这里我会尽我最大的努力,把 Python 尽可能简单的表述清楚,让更多想要学习 Python 的朋友能够入门。 循环( loop )是生活中常见的现象,如每天的日升日落,斗转星移,都是循环,编程语言的出现就是为了解决现实中的问题,所以也少不了要循环。 for 循...
Pythonfor 循环语句 Python for循环可以遍历任何序列的项目,如一个列表或者一个字符串。 语法: for循环的语法格式如下: foriterating_varinsequence:statements(s) 流程图: 实例: 实例 #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-forletterin'Python':# 第一个实例print("当前字母: %s"%letter)fruits=['...
In the above example, the inner loop will be executed three times(‘pandas’, ‘java’, ‘python’) for each iteration of the outer loop. Possibilities of the outer loop for thefirst iteration: java, pandas java, javain this case, the condition satisfies so the innermost loop ends. Then ...
You will notice 4 spaces before the print function because Python needs an indentation. When you use whitespaces, it will specify the level of the code. For instance, here, the print function belongs inside the for loop and if you add another statement after that without whitespaces, it wil...
In Python, we use a for loop to iterate over sequences such as lists, strings, dictionaries, etc. For example, languages = ['Swift', 'Python', 'Go'] # access elements of the list one by one for lang in languages: print(lang) Run Code Output Swift Python Go In the above example...
Python provides various ways to writing for loop in one line. For loop in one line code makes the program more readable and concise. You can use for
Python for 循环语句Python for循环可以遍历任何序列的项目,如一个列表或者一个字符串。语法:for循环的语法格式如下:for iterating_var in sequence: statements(s)流程图:实例:实例 #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- for letter in 'Python': # 第一个实例 print("当前字母: %s" % letter...
Example 2: for loop // Program to calculate the sum of first n natural numbers// Positive integers 1,2,3...n are known as natural numbers#include<stdio.h>intmain(){intnum, count, sum =0;printf("Enter a positive integer: ");scanf("%d", &num);// for loop terminates when count ...
Nesting Python for loops When we have a for loop inside another for loop, it’s called a nested for loop. There are multiple applications of a nested for loop. Consider the list example above. The for loop prints out individual words from the list. But what if we want to print out th...
How To Make A While Loop in Python Now that you know what you need to construct a while loop, all that is left to do now is to look at a real-life example where the while loop is used before you start making exercises on your own! Consider the following example: # Take user input...