if [ `expr ${count} % 10` -eq 0 ]; then fun10 ${count} fi ((count=count + 1)) done 运行结果: $./loop.shcount=0infun5(0)infun10(0)count=1count=2count=3count=4count=5infun5(5)count=6count=7count=8count=9count=10infun5(10)infun10(10)count=11count=12count=13count=14co...
/bin/bashfor file in /etc/*do if [ “${file}” == “/etc/resolv.conf” ] then countNameservers=$(grep -c nameserver /etc/resolv.conf) echo “Total ${countNameservers} nameservers defined in ${file}” break fidone 使用continue语句 若要继续封闭FOR、WHILE或UNTIL循环的下一个迭代,请使...
A 'for loop' is a bash programming language statement which allows code to be repeatedly executed. A for loop is classified as an iteration statement i.e. it is the repetition of a process within a bash script. Tutorial details For example, you can run UNIX command or task 5 times or ...
Example #1: Integer Comparison inwhileLoop inbash In awhileloop, integer comparison inside the square brackets should be expressed usingbash's built-in comparison operators (-eq for "equal to", -ne for "not equal to", -gt for "greater than", -ge for "greater than or equal to", -lt ...
在Linux / UNIX操作系统下,如何使用bash for loop重复执行某些任务? 如何使用for语句设置无限循环? 如何使用三参数进行循环控制表达式? “ for循环”是bash编程语言的语句,它允许重复执行代码。 for循环被归类为迭代语句,即bash脚本中进程的重复。 例如,您可以运行UNIX命令或任务5次,或使用for循环读取和处理文件列表。
“ for循环”是bash编程语言的语句,它允许重复执行代码。 for循环被归类为迭代语句,即bash脚本中进程的重复。 例如,您可以运行UNIX命令或任务5次,或使用for循环读取和处理文件列表。 可以在shell提示符下或在shell脚本本身内使用for循环。 更详细信息 请看:Bash For Loop Examples In Linux ...
{0..100}; do printf '%s\n' "$i" done 在可变的数字范围内循环 替代 seq. # Loop from...
/bin/bash read -p "请输入创建的用户名信息: " name read -p "请输入创建的用户数量: " count for i in `seq -w $count` do echo $name$i useradd $name$i &>/dev/null echo 123 | passwd --stdin $name$i &>/dev/null id $name$i &>/dev/null...
#1) For Loop This is the most basic and widely used loop. This is used in those scenarios where you know the fixed number of times for executing the statements in a code i.e. there is somefixed number of times/fixed iteration countto perform a condition. ...
继承 Object DtsObject Executable DtsContainer EventsProvider ForLoop 实现 IDTSExecutionPath IDTSPackagePath IDTSPropertiesProvider IDTSPropertiesProviderEx IDTSSequence 注解在运行时,容器中的 ForLoop 控制流在整体包控制流中重复。 在循环的每个迭代中, ForLoop 容器计算表达式并重复其工作流,直到表达式的计算...