JavaScript supports different kinds of loops: for- loops through a block of code a number of times for/in- loops through the properties of an object for/of- loops through the values of an iterable object while- loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true ...
在这个例子中,for...in循环用于遍历person对象的属性,将属性名和对应的值输出到控制台。循环将输出: name: Johnage: 30gender: male 然而,需要注意的是,for...in循环并不保证属性的遍历顺序。对象属性的顺序可能会因为 JavaScript 引擎的实现而有所不同。通常,对象属性的遍历顺序与它们被添加的顺序相关,但这并...
you would be building an infinite loop. But if this is not your intention then you will have to put a condition and an expression that changes the value of the variable, as we have done in the
In the above example, we initialized theforloop withlet i = 0, which begins the loop at0. We set the condition to bei < 4, meaning that as long asievaluates as less than4, the loop will continue to run. Our final expression ofi++increments the count for each iteration through the ...
In JavaScript, the for loop is used for iterating over a block of code a certain number of times, or to iterate over the elements of an array. Here's a quick example of the for loop. You can read the rest of the tutorial for more details. Example for (let i = 0; i < 3; i...
for (let i = "start" in window ? window.start : 0; i < 9; i++) { console.log(i); } // SyntaxError: 'for-in' loop variable declaration may not have an initializer. jsCopy to Clipboard // 将整个初始化器括起来 for (let i = ("start" in window ? window.start : 0); i <...
Theforstatement in JavaScript has the samesyntaxas in Java and C. It has three parts: Initialization- Initializes the iterator variablei. In this example, we initializeito 0. Condition- As long as the condition is met, the loop continues to execute. In this example, we check thatiis less...
英文| 翻译| web前端开发(ID:web_qdkf) 相当长一段时间,我一直在努力充分理解for...in和for...of之间的差异。如果你是通过 Google 或 feed 发现我的这篇文章,我可以有...
Rust基础语法(条件控制语句if、loop、while、for) if表达式 if 表达式允许根据条件执行不同的代码分支。你提供一个条件并表示 “如果条件满足,运行这段代码;如果条件不满足,不运行这段代码。” 无返回值执行: 代码语言:javascript 复制 fnmain(){letnumber=6;ifnumber<10{println!("condition was true");}else{...
英文| 翻译| web前端开发(ID:web_qdkf) 相当长一段时间,我一直在努力充分理解for...in和for...of之间的差异。如果你是通过 Google 或 feed 发现我的这篇文章,我可以有把握地假设你可能想知道同样的事情。