JavaScript Loops Loops are handy, if you want to run the same code over and over again, each time with a different value. Often this is the case when working with arrays: Instead of writing: text += cars[0] +""; text += cars[1] +""; text += ...
Thefor...ofloop was introduced in the later versions ofJavaScript ES6. Thefor..ofloop in JavaScript allows you to iterate over iterable objects (arrays, sets, maps, strings etc). JavaScript for...of loop The syntax of thefor...ofloop is: for(elementofiterable) {// body of for...of...
})();//3个元素 间隔2s输出"start""apple""grape""pear""end" 再看forEach, 注意 forEach 调用后直接返回输出 loop end, 间隔2s 后同时输出了后面结果,并没有按预期各个间隔输出。 (asyncfunction() {console.log("foreach loop start ..."); fruits.forEach(asyncvalue => {constelement =awaitgetFr...
For loops are the most used loops in any language. But there is more than one way to iterate using a for loop. These are the ways you can use the for loop in JavaScript. The advantages and disadvantages are given too.
Running the JavaScript code above will result in the following output. Output [ 0 ] [ 0, 1 ] [ 0, 1, 2 ] We set a loop that runs untili < 3is no longertrue, and we’re telling the console to print thearrayExamplearray to the console at the end of each iteration. With this ...
const array1 = [5, 12, 8, 130, 44]; const isLargeNumber = (element) => element > 13; console.log(array1.findIndex(isLargeNumber)); // expected output: 3 参考文献 The Complete Guide to Loops in JavaScript Loops and iteration(花几分钟时间重温) ...
JavaScript has two methods for running the same code several times. It is mainly used for iterating over arrays or objects. Let's see an example: vari;for(i=0;i<3;i=i+1){console.log(i);}// This will print out the following: 0 1 2/*We can also write a shorter notation for ...
鉴于for和for-in都不特别适合在Arrays上循环,因此在ECMAScript 5中引入了辅助方法:Array.prototype.forEach. constarr=['a','b','c'];arr.prop='property value';arr.forEach((elem,index)=>{console.log(elem,index);});// Output:// 'a', 0// 'b', 1// 'c', 2 ...
js no for loop 100 Array Uint8Array, Typed Arrays, no for,100 Array Array.form(), Uint8Array, Array, padStart repeat js no for loop & 100 Array js no for loop generate 100 length array // string arr const arr = [...``.padStart(100, ` `)].map((item, i) => i + 1...