语法:for each in dict1.items(): (或者 for key,value in dict1.items():) dict1 = {"name": "jay", "age": 28, "hobby": "sing"} for each in dict1.items():#遍历所有的键值对 print(each) for key,value in dict1.items(): print('key:valuse是{}'.format(key,value)) """ ('...
语法:for each in dict1.items(): (或者 for key,value in dict1.items():) dict1 = {"name":"jay","age": 28,"hobby":"sing"}foreachindict1.items():#遍历所有的键值对print(each)forkey,valueindict1.items():print('key:valuse是{}'.format(key,value))""" ('name', 'jay') ('age...
Cloud Studio代码运行 tinydict={'Name':'郑晖','Age':18,'Class':'腾讯云社区'}forkeyintinydict:print(key) 只遍历值: 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:4 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 tinydict={'Name':'郑晖','Age':18,'Class':'腾讯云社区'}forvalintinydict.values():print(val) 同时遍历值和键: 代...
data_dict3 = data_dict2.copy() #深拷贝 data_dict4 = copy.deepcopy(data_dict2) print(f"{data_dict2.keys()} {id(data_dict2.keys())} {data_dict2[1]} {id(data_dict2[1])} {data_dict2[1][0]} \ {id(data_dict2[1][0])} {data_dict2[1][1]} {id(data_dict2[1][1]...
for key in d.keys(): print(key, '=>', d[key]) 4、通过dict对象的values()遍历value dict对象的values()方法,Python2和Python3都是支持的。 d = {'C': 11, 'Java': 22, 'Python': 33, 'CJavaPy': 44}for val in d.values(): print(val)...
print('Key: %s has value: %s' % (key, val)) 输出: Key: a has value: 1Key: b has value: 1.2Key: c has value: 1j exercise Compute the decimals of Pi using the Wallis formula: 输入: def wallis(n): pi = 2. for i in range(1, n): ...
因为Python 3.5以及之前的版本的dict是无序的,相对而言,遍历key比遍历value听上去更加靠谱一些。
forunei forvaltningsrett forvard propagation forvestknight forward access channe forward all requests forward and reverse forward biased forward brake applica forward buy forward cross talk forward derivative forward engine forward explicit cong forward floor sweep k forward looking forward looking scann ...
---title: python循环tags: 笔记categories: 笔记author: 喵雨date: 2022-06-23 10:56:42coverImg:...
for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) # Change the objects state. self.notify() # Notify all observers of the change in state. # Will call the update method of each attached observer with kwargs that come # from this objects __dict__ attribute, minus any priv...