If you set include_distances to True, it will return a 2 element tuple with two lists in it: the second one containing all corresponding distances. a.get_nns_by_vector(v, n, search_k=-1, include_distances=False) same but query by vector v. a.get_item_vector(i) returns the vector...
{ "private": true, "name": "@types/PACKAGE-NAME", "version": "1.2.9999", "projects": [ "https://aframe.io/" ], "dependencies": { "@types/DEPENDENCY-1": "*", "@types/DEPENDENCY-2": "*" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/PACKAGE-NAME": "workspace:." }, "owners": [ { ...
At 1 kHz, the EGNITE microelectrodes exhibited an impedance of 25.2 ± 0.7 kΩ (n = 18). The performance of EGNITE microelectrodes under current injection has also been studied. Figure 2g shows the electrode polarization that a 25-µm-diameter EGNITE microelectrode ...
Soc. 136, 17802–17807 (2014). Article CAS Google Scholar Gole, B., Bar, A. K., Mallick, A., Banerjee, R. & Mukherjee, P. S. An electron rich porous extended framework as a heterogeneous catalyst for Diels–Alder reactions. Chem. Commun. 49, 7439–7441 (2013). Article CAS ...
¥46.58 天猫国际 需买2件,共93.15元 FOR BECARED ONE 维生素k维生素k2mk7k1k2k3片增强凝血正品官方旗舰店胶囊普丽普莱 爆料人: 小小值机器人 20:18发布 极速发 天猫国际该商品正在促销,参加满2件打7.5折活动,买2件,实付93.15元,最终到手价46.58元/件,喜欢可入。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品2件 2 ...
for(k=1; k-4; k++) s=s+k;仅当 k 的值等于 4 时终止循环。k-4 是数值表达式。for循...
R200#show ip bgp summary BGP router identifier, local AS number 65000 BGP table version is 26, main routing table version 26 1 network entries using 132 bytes of memory 1 path entries using 52 bytes of memory 2/1 BGP path/bestpath attribute entries using 296 bytes of memory 0 ...
In addition to using UVC to sterilize air, there is a growing interest in UVC to kill a wide range of microorganisms and extend the life of food products such as juices (Koutchma et al.2016; Rodriguez-Gonzalez et al.2015). Sterilization of food products is limited when applied to turbid...
0K71C32110 0K72A-32-110 0K79A32110A 57700-4E040 577004E000 KK136-32-960B 43510-20308 0K2KK-32-110 57700-2G211 57710-2G221 56500A4050 56500A4000 56500-A6000 56500-A6500 56500-A7500 56500-B0000 56500-1X500 57700-2P200 57700-...
For BCH codes with k=7 and t=2, the original codes can correct two error bits, and we add an additional bit to be the parity check of all BCH code bits. The proposed two-step hard decoding works as follows: When the hard decision incurs three bit errors and one has the minimum ...