ones(width, dtype=int)*height for contour in contours: for point in contour: i = point[0][0] j = point[0][1] if maximum[i] > j: maximum[i] = j # Compress maximum array and calculate 3D points into heightMap heightMap = [] curr_max = -1 for i, max_val in enumerate(...
tight_layout() # plt.savefig('figures/pca_evade_substrate_contour.png', dpi=600) same but in contours, for ease of read explained variance is too low, I will chose only 7 mian features for PCA next: # pca on only 8 main physcicochemical features: table = sub_evade_inactive_features...
Nucleus A has a hollow interior so that it has two contours, an inner and an outer contour, which results in two edge fragments in the edge map (see second row of Fig. 2(c)). For the outer nuclear contour, the inverse gradients are pointing inwards, whereas for the inner nuclear ...
For the special case when the magnitudes of both A and W are equal to 1, the contour is restricted to lie on the unit circle in the complex plane. In this case, the ICZT has a singularity5 if and only if the polar angle of W can be expressed as 2πpq where pq is an element ...
These techniques produce designs that exhibit excellent performance but are geometrically complex and often have a high spatial variation in fiber orientations, posing challenges to manufacturability. The innovative approach of depicting smooth fibers through the zero-level contour of a higher-dimensional ...
In Table 2, we enumerate the functionalities of MDM-TASK-web and compare them against those of four existing web servers doing similar tasks. Table 2. Features of MDM-TASK-web and other servers used to analyse static and dynamic protein structures. FunctionalityMDM-TASK-webNAPSANCARIP-MDMDN In...
for i, offset in enumerate(clusters_separation): np.random.seed(42) # Data generation X1 = 0.3 * np.random.randn(num_inliers // 2, 2) - offset #inliers data X2 = 0.3 * np.random.randn(num_inliers // 2, 2) + offset #outlier data #Build an array having X1 and X2 usingnumpy...
例子:Any-to-Any Style Transfer: Making Picasso and Da Vinci Collaborate 通过把SAM和其他的风格转换模型结合起来实现风格迁移。没有训练新模型,网络结构如下: """ Building Models """transformer_path='ckpt/latest_net_transformer.pth'decoder_path='ckpt/latest_net_decoder.pth'ada_attn_3_path='ckpt/lat...
get("star_age")[i]/1e6 break for i, center_he4 in enumerate(history.get("center_he4")): if center_he4 < 1e-3: age_hedep = history.get("star_age")[i]/1e6 break ax1.set_xlim([0,age_tams]) ax2.set_xlim([age_tams,age_hedep]) ax3.set_xlim([age_hedep,history.get("...
maximum([maximum(abs.(a.v)) for a in plot_datas]) : cmax fig = Figure(; resolution) fig = Figure(; resolution, backgroundcolor = (:white, 0.0)) # Make each plot hts = map(enumerate(plot_datas)) do (i, plot_data) xz_state!(fig[1, i], cmax, limits; plot_data...) ...