Makefile: consistently use PERL_PATH Dec 7, 2024 git-send-email.perl Makefile: consistently use @Placeholder@ to substitute Dec 7, 2024 Makefile: consistently use @Placeholder@ to substitute Dec 7, 2024 ...
checks/ - recursively iterates all SQL code files found in the given or current directory and runs SQLFluff linter against them, inferring the different SQL dialects from each path/filename/extension AWS - Amazon Web Services aws/ directory: AWS scripts - aws_*.sh: aws_pr...
Enterprise customers can view XFA PDFs in Microsoft Edge using IE mode through either the ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedOrigins or ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedFileHash policy. This change is available in the new PDF viewer on Microsoft Edge. Deprecation of Microsoft Edge Support page. To improve end user...
In Pat's organization, admins have created a Safe Links policy that applies Pat, but Safe Links protection for Office apps is turned off. Pat opens a Word document and clicks a URL in the file. Pat isn't protected by Safe Links. Although Pat is included in an active Safe Links polic...
Use theFile maskoption to narrow your search to a specific file type. You can select the existing file type from the list, add a new file type, or add an additional file mask syntax to search for file types with certain patterns. ...
You can create a new session by selecting the Profile An Application link on the Welcome page, or by selecting New Session from the File menu. In the Create New Session dialog enter the executable for your application. Optionally, you can also specify the working directory, arguments, multi-...
(The one a 32-bit process sees on x64 Windows is stored on disk at \Windows\SysWOW64.) You can access the "native" system32 from a hosted process by looking in the virtual folder:\Windows\sysnative. It won’t actually be present on disk, mind you, but the filesystem path resolver ...
ICONFilePath (Windows) iwlanApplicabilityType Simple Type (Windows) Direct3D Diagnostics Capture Interface Structures (Windows) MDM_eUICCs_Policies02 class (Windows) MDM_Policy_Result01_WindowsPowerShell02 class (Windows) PlayButtonText Element Properties Element (Child of ButtonText) Technique Element ...
The app_path function returns the fully qualified path to your application's app directory. You may also use the app_path function to generate a fully qualified path to a file relative to the application directory:$path = app_path(); $path = app_path('Http/Controllers/Controller.php');...
publicStringuploadFile(S3TransferManager transferManager, String bucketName, String key, URI filePathURI){UploadFileRequest uploadFileRequest = UploadFileRequest.builder() .putObjectRequest(b -> b.bucket(bucketName).key(key)) .source(Paths.get(filePathURI)) .build(); FileUpload fileUpload = transferMa...