ForEach ($line in $filecontent){ $output += $line + $TextToAdd $output | Set-Content "$Filelocation\Inbox_Subfolders\Inbox_Subject_*.txt" } 我花了好几天时间试图找出嵌套的ForEach循环以及哪里出错了。我愿意用不同的方法来达到同样的结果。非常感谢任何帮助。 这是你想要的吗?
那么类呢?我们要如何知道这个类是否可以通过 foreach 来进行遍历呢?其实,PHP已经为我们提供了一个...
4 How do I get filename and line count per file using powershell 1 Line Count ForEach-Object on multiple files 2 Combine all content from several files, find matching strings and get a count of each line 2 How can I filter and count the lines into a variable in...
在此示例中,foreach循环使用 变量的$file属性来执行比较操作, ($file.length -gt 100KB) 。 变量$file具有 由Get-ChildItem返回的对象的所有属性。 在下一个示例中,脚本显示语句列表中的长度和上次访问时间: PowerShell复制 foreach($fileinGet-ChildItem) {if($file.Length-gt100KB) {Write-Host$fileWrite-...
PowerShell for($i=0$i-lt10$i++){$i} 此For语句的替代形式适用于 PowerShell 脚本文件和 PowerShell 命令提示符。 但是,在命令提示符处输入交互式命令时,将For语句语法与分号配合使用会更容易。 For循环比Foreach循环更灵活,因为它允许使用模式递增数组或集合中的值。 在以下示例中,repeat部分中的For$i变量...
Add data to existing CSV column with foreach loop add date to filename Add digital signature to multiple files Add domain user as sysadmin in SQL Server 2012 using PowerShell Add formatting and style to a html report in powershell Add full control to computer object Add ICMPv4/v6 Echo Requ...
Usually, learners get confused with ForEach and ForEach-Object while using break/continue statements in PowerShell, but there is a clear difference between
Introduction to for loop in PowerShell Once you jump into dipper coding you will face various kinds of situation, there may be situations when you required to execute certain expressions or statements repetitive. It may be reading each element of an array or it may be reading each line of a...
completions.go completions_test.go fish_completions.go fish_completions_test.go flag_groups.go flag_groups_test.go go.mod go.sum powershell_completions.go powershell_completions_test.go shell_completions.go zsh_completions.go zsh_completions_test.go...