答案:《Books for Dummies》是一本面向学习困难者的书籍。详细解释:《Books for Dummies》直译为中文是《傻瓜书》,它是一类面向不同领域初学者或学习困难者的入门指导书籍。这类书籍的特点是以简单易懂的语言,结合图表、实例和有趣的故事,解释复杂的概念和理论,帮助读者快速理解并掌握相关知识。书籍...
在美国,这类书籍非常流行,书名各具特色,例如《Cooking for Dummies》专注于烹饪技巧,让烹饪新手也能轻松掌握基本操作;《Fishing for Dummies》则为钓鱼爱好者提供入门指南,教会他们如何选择装备和策略;而《Investing for Dummies》则帮助读者理解投资市场,降低投资风险。总的来说,"books for dummies"...
Check out Franchising For Dummies, and Franchise Management For Dummies, your concise handbooks for understanding franchising with the world's leading experts as your guides.
The essentials you need to learn about networking—10 books in one!With over 900 pages of clear and trustworthy information, Networking All-in-One For Dummies is the perfect beginner's guide AND the perfect professional reference book. Small networks, large networks, business networks, cloud netwo...
5G RF For Dummies® E-Book The future is now with 5G global roll outs The next edition of Qorvo’s 5G RF For Dummies® has arrived. What’s happening with 5G rollouts, what is just on the horizon and what advancements does the future hold? We are here to help you learn all you...
直翻是:给傻子的书 就是说书里的内容通俗易懂,把一些专业概念解释的简单好学,使读者产生兴趣,不再担心学不会。。。美国有很多此类型的书,名字也都差不多,cooking for dummies, fishing for dummies, investing for dummies...
The dummies books are not really for stupid people. They are designed to show people how to do something they may never have tried before, like painting a house or learning a language. The books all say in a funny way that they are for dummies, such as World History for Dummies, ...
"Dummy"is a word for a stupid person.The dummies books are not really for stupid people.They are designed to show people how to do something they may never have tried before,like painting a house or learning a language.The books all say in a funny way that they are for dummies,such ...
Learn from Qorvo's IoT Experts Qorvo has written a follow up version to it’sInternet of Things For Dummies®— to help you understand theInternet of Thingsand its impact on our day-to-day lives. This book explains how the IoT will shape the world around us and help businesses, consume...
The For Dummies series is a line of how-to and self-help books which are intended to present complex topics in a simple and straightforward manner. The books are written in a step-by-step format and are easy to follow. They are also often humorous, and use a conversational tone to make...