Using CodeProject.AI in your apps Latest Modules Multi-modal LLM - Chris Maunder LLama chatbot on your desktop - CodeProject License Plate detection (update) - Mike Lud Multi-TPU Coral.AI image detection (update) - Seth AI Image generator - Matthew Dennis ...
One place for all extensions for Visual Studio, Azure DevOps Services, Azure DevOps Server and Visual Studio Code. Discover and install extensions and subscriptions to create the dev environment you need.
README Code of conduct License Security Sign Up (1k chunks free) | PDF2MD | Hacker News Search Engine | Documentation | Meet a Maintainer | Discord | Matrix All-in-one solution for search, recommendations, and RAG Quick Links API Reference + Docs OpenAPI specification Typescript SDK Pytho...
A Nerd Font installed and enabled in your terminal (for example, try the FiraCode Nerd Font).Step 1. Install StarshipSelect your operating system from the list below to view installation instructions:Android Install Starship using any of the following package managers: RepositoryInstructions Termux...
For more information, see the Error Code List. errmsg string Yes Error message. For more information, see the Error Code List. fpqqlsh String Yes Invoice request serial no., which is the unique serial number used to query the invoice. jym String Yes Verification code, located in the upper...
After the linter runs on your code, you can review any lint warnings and errors in the Error List window: Double-click an error or warning to go to the location in the source code where the issue is generated.Set command-line optionsBoth...
A workaround is to make the code component bound to a column and add anOnChangeevent handler to that column. The code component can update the column value, and theOnChangeevent handler can access theformContext. Support for the custom events will be added in the future, which will enab...
Code styles for single nested statements (single-line statements) under some parent statements, such as in 'if-else', 'foreach', and the like.
code-first读写分离该框架目前已经支持一主多从的读写分离AddReadWriteSeparation,支持轮询 Loop和随机 Random两种读写分离策略,又因为读写分离多链接的时候会导致数据读写不一致,(如分页其实是2步第一步获取count,第二部获取list)会导致数据量在最后几页出现缺量的问题, 针对这个问题框架目前实现了自定义读链接获取...
物流信息若商家想在订单中展示物流信息,可通过物流信息(logistics_info_list)同步。参数说明如下: 参数 参数类型 是否必填 能否更新 是否消息使用字段 参数说明 logistics_code String 是 否 否 字段名称:物流公司。 字段说明:订单中心物流编码。 tracking_no String 是 否 否 物流单号。 已完成 ...