名字的由来尽管 Markowitz 对待自己的作品十分严肃(他自称为 Snapchat 上的 Stanley Kubrick),他还是会流露出轻率的一面。在某一集《南方公园》(South Park)中,一个神似美国前副总统戈尔的角色奔走呼告,说自己对全球变暖问题「超级麦片(super cereal,cereal = serious,系模仿讽刺戈尔的口音,即对全球变暖问题...
Agricultural product price advanced 12 percent last month, up from a 7.0-percent rise in the previous month. Ginger price more than double, with those for spinach, water parsley, lettuce, powdered red pepper and cereal posting a double-digit increase in the month. Prices for agricultural, lives...