* 定义一个List集合,存入Int整数类型的数据 */ var listInt : List<Int> = listOf<Int>(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9) // 打印List集合里面的数据 for(lis in listInt) { println("$lis ") } println("---") /** * 定义一个List集合,存入float浮点型类型的数据 */ var listFloat = ...
一、List 集合遍历 二、List 通过解构一次性给多个元素赋值 一、List 集合遍历 List 集合遍历 : for in 循环遍历 : // 使用 for in 循环遍历 for (name in list) { println("for : $name") } 1. 2. 3. 4. forEach 遍历 : /** * 在每个元素上执行给定的[action...
packagecn.kotlin.kotlin_base04/*** 定义描述一个实体*/classStudent(var name: String, var age: Int, var sex: String)/*** List集合*/fun main(args: Array<String>) {/*** 定义一个List集合,存入String字符串类型的数据*/var list :List<String> = listOf<String>("李小龙", "李元霸", "李连...
for(xxx in xxx){},这种方式使用return、break、continue跟Java一致; privatefunforTest1(){vallist=listOf(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)for(indexin0until list.size){if(index==3){Log.d("LUO","01***")// return//相当于Java的return 结果:01执行,02执行// break///相当于Java的break 结果:01执行,02执...
一、List 集合遍历 List 集合遍历 : for in 循环遍历 : 代码语言:javascript 复制 // 使用 for in 循环遍历for(nameinlist){println("for : $name")} forEach 遍历 : 代码语言:javascript 复制 /** * 在每个元素上执行给定的[action]。 */@kotlin.internal.HidesMemberspublicinline fun<T>Iterable<T>....
一:遍历JsonArray // 一个未转化的字符串 String str = "[{name:'a',value:'aa'},{name:'b'...
Kotlin's if is an expression, i.e. it returns a value. if_expression.kt package com.zetcode fun main() { val a = 34 val b = 43 val max = if (a > b) a else b println("max of $a and $b is $max") } The example uses theifexpression to return the maximum of two values...
一.基本类型Kotlin的数字表现,如下Double 64Float 32Long 64Int 32Short 16Byte 8这些就是全部的定义数字的方式了,而我们一般的写法也和JAVA类似十进制: 10086十...
Can organize imports, for Java and for Kotlin, when formatting code withctrl-w. Has a built-in spellchecker (pressctrl-fand thentto search for a typo,ctrl-nfor next match and thenctrl-ato add it andctrl-ito ignore it). Can jump directly to a selection of highlighted letters on the ...
How forEach Works in Kotlin? The forEach loop is one of the iteration loops for but we can call additional functions with the variable using the datatype. It also calls with the other util and packages like collections, files,s, etc. If we use a collection concept like a list, map th...