EARLY in the second season ofFor All Mankind, Ronald D. Moore’s counterfactual take on the space race, astronaut Molly Cobb is faced with an impossible decision: let a friend die on the lunar surface as a massive solar storm hits, or rescue him and risk getting a fatal...
Apple TV+ space-race series 'For All Mankind' improves on Season One with liftoff into strong dramatic territory. Alan Sepinwall's review
为全人类 第二季 For All Mankind Season 2 (2021). 8.5/10. 本季发生在第一季结束九年后的1983年,虽然是平行世界的设定,但美苏冷战的阴影依然笼罩,直至成为最后的惊爆焦点。前半段注重发掘主角们作为普通人...
This column containsfull spoilersfor Season Two of Apple TV+’sFor All Mankind. If you want to know more about the season without being spoiled, read ourpre-season review. “I started jogging again.” This sentence is uttered by astronaut Gordo Stevens (Michael Dornan) midway through the Se...
"For All Mankind" was among the launch titles for Apple's fledgling streaming service. The show examines a world where the United States was not the first to land a manned spaceship on the moon and the ramifications of not being first to the moon.. Season 2 will see much of ...
为全人类 第二季 For All Mankind Season 2 获奖情况 第12届美国评论家选择电视奖(2022) 剧情类最佳剧集(提名) >去 为全人类 第二季 的页面
为全人类 第二季 For All Mankind Season 2 第3集 接触规则 本集中文名: 接触规则 本集原名: Rules of Engagement 播放时间: 2021-03-05 星期五 (当地时间)剧情简介: 这集的家庭片段虽俗套,仍动人 推荐 第3集的讨论 · · · · · ·我来说两句 ...
"For All Mankind," like "Dickinson" before it,was renewedfor a third season even before the second one premiered. And while "Dickinson" finished up second season filming before the pandemic started, "For All Mankind" had to take a months-long break beforeresuming last August...
For All Mankind Season 4 Episode 5was a doozy. As the tensions on Mars rise, Danielle and her longtime friend Ed Baldwin are increasingly at odds, and by the end of "Goldilocks," they had reached a tipping point that threatens everything they have been to each other through the decades....
I rarely review apps This was such a gorgeous and intimate extension to the show. Having not seen every episode of For All Mankind, I didn’t know if I would feel disconnected from the experience but that wasn’t the case at all. With every move forward, I found myself really examining...