oppodesignedfora-series是oppo A11。OPPO A11采用6.5英寸浅水滴阳光屏,屏幕尺寸为6.5英寸,机身厚度有9.1毫米,重量为195克。配有暮晨紫,极夜黑,流云白,湖光绿,香草薄荷五种配色。OPPO A11搭载骁龙665处理器,后置指纹识别,4GB运行内存,128GB存储。支持双卡双待全网通。5000毫安时容量电池,...
忘记手机锁屏密码,请不要着急,建议您多次(5次)输入锁屏密码进行验证,若仍然无法验证正确密码,请携带手机购机凭证前往当地的OPPO客服中心或选择双程免邮的寄修服务把手机寄送到指定的服务中心处理。温馨提示:① 服务中心会对您的手机进行刷回出厂原始状态,手机资料将无法保留。② 若您的购机凭证遗失...
Go faster with unmatched performance and massive scale. NetApp AFF A-Series systems turbocharge mission-critical workloads of all sizes with up to 40M IOPs, up to 1TB/s throughput, always-on data reduction, and proven 99.9999% availability. ...
Explore Intel® Arc™ Pro A-series GPUs, a professional range of GPUs that brings built-in ray tracing and graphics acceleration to workstations.
BEIJING, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) -- A series of high-level engagements between the Chinese side and the new U.S. administration have demonstrated the great importance both sides attach to China-U.S. relations and brought positive expectations to the future interaction of the two major countries.Chine...
structural phase transitions in Li2ZrCl612,15. Figure1adisplays the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns for a series of mechanochemically synthesized Li2+xZrCl6-xOxmaterials. The compositions with relatively low O content (x ≤ 0.25) are phase-pure and isostructural to the unmodified Li2ZrCl...