#将用户的输入,作为变量num的值 read-p"(请输入数字,0~99):"num [$num-eq0] &&echo"从1 到0 的值为1"&&exit#如果用户输入的值为0,则告诉他值为1,并退出脚本 #用户输入的数字是否在 0 -99 之间 if[[$num-gt0&&$num-lt100]];then #变量i 取值为 1 到 $num 之间所有整数 foriin$(seq 1 ...
for i in “file1” “file2” “file3” for i in /boot/* for i in /etc/*.conf for i in $(seq -w 10) –》等宽的01-10 for i in {1…10} for i in $( ls ) for I in $(< file) for i in “$@” –》取所有位置参数,可简写为for i 注意:bash shell支持C式for循环 代码...
1、 for((i=1;i<=10;i++));do echo $(expr $i \* 4);done 2、在shell中常用的是 for i in $(seq 10) 3、for i in `ls` 4、for i in ${arr[@]} 5、for i in $* ; do 6、for File in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_redirects; do 7、for i in f1 f2 f3 ;do 8、f...
useradd abc-$num echo "aaa-$num"|passwd --stdin "abc-$num" echo -e "用户名:abc-$num密码:$password" >>/root/user.txt done 一句话实现方式: [root@localhost ~]# for num in `seq -w 10`;do password=$(echo $(date +%N)$RANDOM|md5sum|cut –c 1-8);echo -e "用户名:abc-$num...
median(df$a) median(df$b) median(df$c) median(df$d) 为了避免“粘贴-复制多于两次”,改用for循环实现: output = vector("double", ncol(df)) # 1.输出 for(i in seq_along(df)) { # 2.迭代器 output[[i]] = median(df[[i]]) # 3.循环体 } output # 输出结果略 for循环有三个组件...
A Survey of Deep Learning Methods in Protein Bioinformatics and its Impact on Protein Design [arXiv:2501.01477] From thermodynamics to protein design: Diffusion models for biomolecule generation towards autonomous protein engineering [arXiv:2501.02680] • review Improving functional protein generation...
Where is GENOMIC_ORDER is replaced with the names of the relevant chromosomes in order separated by spaces. (e.g. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y or `seq 1 22` X Y for humans) Lexicographic (requires bedops): $ zcat PATH/TO/EPILOGOS_OU...
To use these compilers, you should be aware of the role of high-level languages, such as Fortran, C, and C++, as well as assembly-language in the software development process; and you should have some level of understanding of programming. The PGI compilers are available on a variety of ...
shell for 循环: #!...第三种写法 seq 使用 for i in `seq 1 100` do echo $i done 将循环变量赋值到下一个脚本: 在运行shell脚本时候,有三种方式来调用外部的脚本...2、source(source /home/script.sh) 使用source或者“.”来调用外部脚本,不会产生新的进程,继承当前shell环境变量,而且被调用的脚本...
for i in a b c 字符串列表A B C 字符串用空格分隔,没有括号,没有逗号, 然后循环将其依次赋给变量i 变量没有$ do echo "i is $i" done 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. [macg@machome ~]$ sh test.sh i is a i is b i is c