For a Few Dollars More: Sergio Leone द्वारा निर्देशित. Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, Gian Maria Volontè, Mara Krupp के साथ. एक ही इरादे के साथ द
For a Few Dollars More《黄昏双镖客(1965)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,镖客 哪里生命毫无价值 哪里死亡就有它的报酬 这就是为何 赏金杀手会出现 请出示车票 Tickets, please. 谢谢 查票 Thank you. Tickets. 去图克姆卡里远吗? Is it far to Tucumcari? 三四分钟内就能到
对不起 你弄错了 牧师 Excuse me, but you've made a mistake, reverend. 我侧耳听到你说要去图克姆卡里 I couldn't help hearing you're going to Tucumcari. 我在这一带卖♥♥货 I peddle goods around here 我想你搭错车了 and I better tell you you're on the wrong... 文档格式:...
喜欢听"A Fistful Of Dollars (1964 Film) / For A Few Dollars More (1965 Film)"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo 9.7 A Fistful Of Dollars 9.6 The Good,the Bad and the Ugly 9.7 Once Upon A Time In The West: Th... 9.6 The Good, The Bad & The Ug...
为了替大老爹报仇,超杀女乔装成与家人走失的无害美少女,只身进入大Boss的宅邸,这时背景音乐响起了1965年美国经典西部片《黄昏双镖客》的口哨歌《For a Few Dollars More》(影片中采用的正曲从大概1分5秒这样开始),复仇的好戏就要拉开。 而这首BGM的曲作者,是深受业界公认的电影配乐大师莫里康内。莫里康内先生一付...
Similar titles suggested by members The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 1966 +4 A Fistful of Dollars 1964 +2 Unforgiven 1992 +2 Pale Rider 1985 +1 Conan the Barbarian 1982 +1 The Shootist 1976 +1 The Outlaw Josey Wales 1976 +1 Keoma 1976 +1...
For a Few Dollars More《黄昏双镖客》(意大利语:Per qualche dollaro in più)为意大利导演塞吉欧·李昂尼于1964至1966年间制作的「镖客三部曲」的西部片中的第二部,于1965年上映。同第一部影片荒野大镖客一样,本片依然由克林·伊斯威特担任演出,投入的资金和场景规模都超过了第一部影片。 场景北卡罗来纳州 ...
For a Few Dollars More (1965) 0Comments Dro on April 4th, 2011 8/10 [Italian Title] Per qualche dollaro in più 有新人入行了,一个叫做Mortimer的和大侠Monco抢生意,以拿政府对强盗的通缉费为业。两人为抢Indio的生意斗智斗勇都没得逞,最后靠着若有若无的合作搞定了Indio,才知Mortimer只是为妹妹报仇...
FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE (1965) - David Frangioni Collection: Italian One-Panel (Two-Fogli) - Linen Backed, 1965 Estimate: £3000 - £6000
A Fistful of Dollars(1964),For a Few Dollars More(1965), andThe Good, the Bad, and the Ugly(1966) are collectively known as “The Man with No Name” trilogy and are often thought of as one long movie about the hero’s adventures, much like we think of the original three installments...