链接:codepen.io/airen/full/R...使用CSS Grid布局实现Sticky Footer同样简单,构建一个三行网格(根据实际需求调整网格列轨道数量),让中间行网格轨道尺寸能根据容器高度自动调整。CSS Grid仅需将grid-template-rows的值设置为auto minmax(0, 1fr) auto或min-content auto min-content即可。链接:code...
Demo 地址:https://codepen.io/airen/full/yLEorWV 在 CSS 网格布局中,除了将grid-template-rows的...
I have use Bootstrap blog template but the footer is not working. Any help? I copy the code from http://getbootstrap.com/examples/blog/ Header part and footer part is not in action. Here is my code. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-...
</template> <script setup> import { computed } from 'vue'; import { RouterLink } from 'vue-router'; const props = defineProps({ intro: Object }); const dataC = computed(() => { return props.intro; }); </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> a { &:hover { color: inherit; }...
Another way to add a footer is to create one using an HTML tag. This is a good option if you want to include links or images in the footer. Finally, you can also use a pre-designed custom template. This is the easiest way to add a footer to the email, but it may not be as ...
Duplicate Template from https://www.notion.so/tanghh/02ab3b8678004aa69e9e415905ef32a5 - NOTION_PAGE_ID: process.env.NOTION_PAGE_ID || 'fb7bf0cd0563410e862e5ee67b8a8d33', + NOTION_PAGE_ID: process.env.NOTION_PAGE_ID || '02ab3b8678004aa69e9e415905ef32a5', PSEUDO_STATIC: ...
#footer { position:fixed; left:0px; bottom:0px; height:30px; width:100%; background:#999; } /* IE 6 */ * html #footer { position:absolute;
html{height:100%;}body{min-height:100%;display:grid;grid-template-rows:1frauto;}.footer{grid-row-start:2;grid-row-end:3;} This demo should work in Chrome Canary or Firefox Developer Edition, and can probably be backported to the older version of grid layout for Edge: ...
<scriptsrc="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script><!-- Wrapper element ('display: grid', 'grid-template-rows' defined) --><divclass="min-h-screen grid grid-rows-[min-content_1fr_min-content] "><headerclass="bg-blue-200">Header</header><!-- Content element (display: grid) --...
As I’ve illustrated in this post, with just a few lines of CSS, you can create a full-page video background template that you can customize for your audience. Using a site's background for a video might not be the ideal choice for every website, and are usually a no-go on mobile...