which are then applied by adapted patina techniques. By carefully dyeing and polishing each piece of leather, they’re able to create a deep colour that retains transparency while still taking advantage of the natural characteristics of
Note also we can adjust images at your request. If there is a name and club we can often remove it, if you don’t like the colour tones we can soften them, etc. When ordering and choosing enlargements you must consider the quality of the images and how they will look when blown up...
GV & CU INT Footballers in conference (3 shots) 0.29 3. CU Professional footballers banner (EXT) TILT DOWN TO footballers Read more Data Film ID: VLVAA81MN8FGTZXFR4HYUB5583NUY Archive: Reuters Group: REUTERS Issue Date: 07/05/1973 Colour: Colour Sound: Unknown Resolution: SD (HD ...
Archive: Reuters Group: GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) Issue Date: 05/09/1949 Colour: Black & White Sound: Unknown Resolution: SD (HD scan on request) Canister: N/A Media URN: VLVA8YYIH9X5XWFVDCPW3BHIIS0OX Tape: Time In/Out: / Duration: 00:01:31:00Related...
The book is written in French, the author's mother tongue, but it certainly deserves a translation in English, which would make it available to a much larger audience, along with perhaps an upgrading to a colour version of the badges' pictures....