Nor did he and Josie have any idea how to take care of this baby. It wasn't like there was a store to buy clothes or toys for children with no arms and legs. Initially, Josie struggled. She says she couldn't look at her son for the first couple of weeks. Later, she would cover...
The afternoons are not as structured as the mornings. It is a lot of play time. The thing with 1 year olds, is that at least as far as I know, they aren’t really into organized activities. Which makes killing time so difficult. On Wednesday, the Grandparents took the girls for 3 h...
The smooth talking salesman who tried to talk your mom into butt stuff. Hated his previous wife so much you thought he might settle for your family. Never really fit in but was fun to make fun of around the house. Bought you some shiny toys but you knew he’d never last. Bo Pelini ...