You can download Football Manager 2023 Mobile and enjoy it on your iPhone, Android phone, iPad, Android tablet, and iPod touch. About Stam I started FM Scout for fun in the distant 2004. I'm proud of how this place has grown into a vibrant community and I try my best to improve it...
Welcome to the complete list of Football Manager 2023 wonderkids by Football Manager 2023 wonderkids advanced guide When it comes to wonderkid lists, you already know FM Scout is the go-to place for maximum accuracy and detail. This will, as always, be the most informed and ...
把下载解压后得到的“trophies”文件夹放到“我的文档/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20xx/graphics/”下 球场纹理 下载解压后把提取出的art文件夹放到/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/的data 非图像类: 数据库 我的文档\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 20xx\editor data 游戏存档 我的文...
本吧热帖: 1-[公告]关于撤销 奉神熊 吧主管理权限的说明 2-出生年月日时测命运关注 3-足球经理 FM2023最新版本 中文版下载 4-来来fm2023资源下载 5-求大佬推荐一下角色和职责 6-西甲银靴身价8000多w,工资3000一周 7-华强北AirPods有哪些?怎么选!华强北耳机还是分三六九等
Did you have a great season in the Bundesliga last year, and don't want to start from scratch? You can load and continue saved games from "Football Manager 2024 Mobile" to make the most of new options in FM25 Mobile, while building on your past hard work. ...
找到2400文件夹。 Windows: STEAM \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2024...
Scout for players, meet player agents, and discuss possible transfers. Your negotiation power and money determine how successful your transfer window will be. Older Versions of Football Manager Football Manager 2023 for Android Football Manager Game ...
违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定 ,无法在建设 football_manager_classic吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组 贴吧吧主... 6-3 0 请问为什么我调整第二套战术的时候,第一套战术里的球员位置会跟 一生红蓝....
对于Genie Scout 和 Editor 的一些讲解 u_look_like_sb 由于本人常年不在国内,所以从来没玩过中文版的FM,所以对于一些中文术语不太熟- - 看了一下吧里的帖子,我感觉好多吧友貌似把Editor和Genie Scout弄 1OoMESSIoO1 6-29 64 只要锄头舞得好 哪有墙头挖不倒 David_Lattin RT FM还有其他的俏皮话么...
Fmm2023需要dd chenjianwen64 汉化,头像,队标,内置修改器破解。 共7 张 清恋草莓酱 9-14 1 cm0102开档阵容精选 花落叶寂寞 冠军足球经理这个游戏从cm到现在的fm已经过去20多年了,这款游戏一直在我的电脑里存在,玩了这么多年,也算是深有体会吧,开档妖人怎么选基本上已经成为了肌肉记忆,最近看到贴吧里...