Our members are sharing hundreds of Football Manager Tactics every year. That makes it difficult to find some of them, and we also wanted to reward those of you who invest extra time to fill out more details. The FM23 tactics index is an interactive table for your convenience. It's super...
Our members are sharing hundreds of Football Manager Tactics every year. That makes it difficult to find some of them, and we also wanted to reward those of you who invest extra time to fill out more details. The FM24 tactics index is an interactive table for your convenience. It's super...
When you first start up Football Manager you will be asked to select your database and either choose ‘Quick Setup’ or ‘Advanced Setup’. To get going quickly, just select Quick Setup. I go through Advanced Setup most of the time, so I can customize the leagues and countries I want t...
Related:Football Manager 2023 Mobile Tactics and Formation Guide: The Only 4 Tactics You Need to Master to Become a Successful Manager With all those clarifications laid out, let’s now take a look at the Wonderkids featured in Football Manager 2023 Mobile listed accordin...
winning the Premier League for example. The rage induced by this will never go away. The biggest overhaul to the match engine this year is that the AI manager is smarter, and will change its tactics throughout the game. Something that makes the game harder, and sometimes even more rage-...
Build your team, establish your managerial style and create a dynasty in Football Manager 2023. Get ready to begin your journey to soccer glory. To become elite, managers must win the love and respect of the fans. In FM23, it’s not just about picking tactics or crafting a team. It’...
Pressing is vital to most Football Manager 2023 tactics. Here,Rock’s End FMprovides a detailed guide to help you master the press. What is Pressing and how does it work? Pressing is when players close down the player in possession (directly or indirectly) in a bit to recover the ball ...
This year we continue the success by providing you with our comprehensive list of the best Football Manager 2023 wonderkids and talents under the age of 21. As always, Passion4FM takes much pride in providing you with one of the most comprehensive and accurate wonderkids shortlist on the marke...
2023-09-29 14:05 Birds still flying above the rest! 2023-09-20 02:37 XCL LXIX (69) Group Stage review 2023-09-13 00:20 Manager of the Week: Mattyp2 2023-09-06 14:17 Manager of the Week: Jarv610 2023-08-08 22:24 Manager of the Week: JabberTheClaret 2023-08-05 01:52...
2023-09-29 14:05 Birds still flying above the rest! 2023-09-20 02:37 XCL LXIX (69) Group Stage review 2023-09-13 00:20 Manager of the Week: Mattyp2 2023-09-06 14:17 Manager of the Week: Jarv610 2023-08-08 22:24 Manager of the Week: JabberTheClaret 2023-08-05 01:52...