With three hours’ language learning per day, Summer Vacation Kids Teens can improve kids’ language skills.● 5 days classroom-based language learning ● 1 day trip MIW Evening CampEvening classes are good for students who want to improve their English without taking part in full-time classes....
and I keep promising that I’ll contact Jonathan Frakes to write or voice the corny questions I ask at the end of each tale in April Fools and April Truths, much like he did in the amazing 90s show calledFact or Fiction:
Continue reading "More Fun Reading for Tweens and Young Teens" » Posted by Dawn Morris on December 13, 2010 in From my Kids to Yours: Chapter Books | Permalink | Comments (4) Digg This Save to del.icio.us Great Sports Fiction for 10 to 14 Year Old Boys Thank you, John Feinstei...