Credit:Apple TV+ Ted Lasso While not American football, this sports-centric Apple+ series centers itself around titular character Lasso (Jason Sudeikis) as he flies overseas to coach an England soccer team despite not having any coaching experience in the sport. The heartwarming comedy-...
Friday Night Lights (TV) The beloved drama (which aired from 2006 to 2011), followed the lives of the Dillon Panthers, one of the nation's best high school football teams, and their head coach Eric Taylor (Kyle Chandler). The show also starred famous faces like Connie Britton, Minka Kell...
After a nice holiday break and a much-needed recharge, you might be looking to check out an exciting show to unwind from the tough days at work and new challenges. We have you covered. There are lots of great TV shows coming out to kick off the new year, but we have pinpointed fiv...
Richard Gadd and Jamie Bell to Star in HBO, BBC Drama Series ‘Half Man’ 11/25/2024 by Michaela Zee Variety Film + TV Thailand Set To Increase Filming Rebate To 30% Following LA Meeting With Studio Execs 11/13/2024 by Jesse Whittock ...
ESPN Hikes Football Drama.Focuses on the TV program "Playmakers" that will be launched by ESPN in August 2003. Forecast of Mark Shapiro, VP of programming and production, on the show; Amount paid by ESPN for rights to the National Basketball Association; Schedule of the show.Frutkin...
TV-PG TV Episode | 22 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance Edit page Add to list Everybody misses the Super Bowl because of a funeral. Therefore, they all try to go 24 hours without finding out who won so that they can watch the game together on Monday night. Read more: Plot summary | ...
Drama Superb performances defineConcussion(2015) until the careful frames of its finale, with Will Smith delivering an all-time great effort as Bennet Omalu. A forensic pathologist, the protagonist is based on a real-life figure, and as a whole,Concussionwas adapted from the 2009 exposé "Brai...
5 DAYS AGO What a game it was at Anfield! So, that’s where Musa and Ryan begin this week, diving straight into Liverpool and Manchester United’s 2-2 draw (04:00). There’s chat about the goals, the drama, and how it left the Premier League title race (22:21) following Arse...
Brett Craig, VP and executive creative director at Deutsch. "It has highs and lows and a season-long story arc to it. It has episodes with audiences tuning in each week for each game and it culminates in a season finale with a championship game�" kind of like a TV drama."...
Spoiler alert:The Titans actually won the title game rather handedly, but I guess that doesn't make for good drama. Walt Disney Pictures 33 / 35 Rudy Plot:The true story of Rudy Ruettiger, who overcame the odds the play football at Notre Dame. ...