Foot and Mouth Disease in AnimalsA.S.GawaliK. S. Palekar
Anon. (1963). Foot-and-mouth-disease in non-domestic animals. Bulletin of Epizootology of Diseases of Africa 11, 143 146.Macaulay, J.W. 1963. Foot-and-mouth disease in non-domestic animals. Bull. epiz. Dis. Afr. 11: 143–146....
Perhaps more significant is the effect the presence of the disease (more precisely, the infection) has on international trade in livestock and livestock products. Therefore, the indirect effects of the infection often far outweigh the direct effects that it has on animals themselves, be they wild...
I want to speak today about the devastating outbreak of foot and mouth disease, to say what we are doing to control and eradicate it, and how everyone can play their part in ensuring this can be achieved as quickly as possible. The situation is indeed grave for British farming. The funera...
ULAN BATOR, May 12 (Xinhua) -- A total of around five million animals have been vaccinated against the deadly foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) across Mongolia, local media reported on Thursday, citing the country's General Authority for Veterinary Services (GAVS). ...
disease may happen in adults as well. It is characterized by sores in the mouth, hands, and legs and usually lasts for a few weeks. The disease is more common during the summer and fall. This disease is not to be confused with the foot and mouth disease in animals, like cattle and ...
foot-and-mouth diseasehost immune responsenatural killer cellvirulence factorFoot゛nd﹎outh disease (FMD) is a highly infectious viral disease of domestic cloven﹉oofed animals, including cattle, swine, goats, and sheep, as well as some species of wild animals. The viral agent, FMD virus (...
(1968). A foot-and-mouth disease syndrome in pigs caused by an enterovirus. Nature 219, 1275-1276.Nardelli L, Lodetti E, Gualandi FL, Burrows R, Goodridge D, Brown F, Cartwright BA. Foot-and- mouth disease syndrome in pigs caused by an entero- virus. Nature 1968 ; 219 : 1275-6....
Foot-and-mouthdiseaseisahighlycontagiousdegenerativeviraldiseaseofcattleandothercloven-hoofedanimals.Itisusuallynotfatal. 口蹄疫是高度传染衰退的病毒性疾病的牲畜和其它有劈开-蹄的动物传播。它一般不致命的。 2. Foot-and-mouthdiseaseisoneofseriousanimaldiseases.Vaccinationisone ofthesignificantprev...
The losses caused by foot-and mouth disease are tremendous. The mortality in ordinary mild epizootics (animal epidemics) is only about 5 percent, but malignant forms of the disease have led to losses of up to 50 percent. In those animals that survive, great losses in weight occur because th...