THE devastating epizootic of foot-and-mouth disease which has raged over Western and Central Europe amongst cattle, sheep and pigs since last autumn has by no means come to an end, though there have been some signs of local or temporary abatement in those areas first invaded in Holland, ...
Foot-and-Mouth Diseasecapsid proteinfoot-and-mouth diseasehost immune responsenatural killer cellvirulence factorFoot゛nd﹎outh disease (FMD) is a highly infectious viral disease of domestic cloven﹉oofed animals, including cattle, swine, goats, and sheep, as well as some species of wild animals...
Foot-and-mouthdiseaseisahighlycontagiousdegenerativeviraldiseaseofcattleandothercloven-hoofedanimals.Itisusuallynotfatal. 口蹄疫是高度传染衰退的病毒性疾病的牲畜和其它有劈开-蹄的动物传播。它一般不致命的。 2. Foot-and-mouthdiseaseisoneofseriousanimaldiseases.Vaccinationisone ofthesignificantprev...
Unlike most other picornaviruses, foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) intact virions (146S) dissociate easily into small pentameric subunits (12S). This causes a dramatically decreased immunogenicity by a mechanism that remains elusive. Here, we present the high-resolution structures of 12S (3.2 Å...
Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is an acute infectious animal disease that attacks cattle, buffalo, goats, sheep, horses and pigs with a transmission rate of 90-100 percent and very high economic losses. Clinical signs of FMD include high fever, excessive mucus from the mouth and foaming; sores...
THE present epizootic of foot-and-mouth disease in England has once more directed attention to the enormous financial losses which a disease of this kind may entail. Up to the middle of March 96,429 ocattle, 35,936 sheep, 44,445 pigs, and 119 goats had been slaughtered, and a total ...
Foot-and-mouth disease is an infectious and sometimes fatal vital disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals .
THE present epizootic of foot-and-mouth disease in England has once more directed attention to the enormous financial losses which a disease of this kind may entail. Up to the middle of March 96,429 ocattle, 35,936 sheep, 44,445 pigs, and 119 goats had b
“Livestock production contributes food and livelihood alternatives to rural communities. We hope that this intervention will make the livestock sector resilient,” she said. Foot and mouth disease mainly affects cattle, but can also affect other species such as sheep, goat and pigs. ...
Drivers of foot-and-mouth disease in cattle at wild/domestic interface: Insights from farmers, buffalo and lions Humans live increasingly in the proximity of natural areas, leading to increased interactions between people, their livestock and wildlife. Miguel, EveGrosbois, VladimirFritz, HerveCaron,...