External fixation in trauma of the foot and ankle[J] . Franz Josef Seibert,Florian Fankhauser,Brian Elliott,Nikolaus Stockenhuber,Gerolf Peicha.Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery . 2003 (1)Seibert FJ, Fankhauser F, Elliott B, Stockenhuber N, Peicha G. External fixation in trauma of...
Zahra.Chapman MSCC.M.J Shuttleworth MRCPsychJ.W. Huber PHD
ANKLEINTERNAL fixation in fracturesAddressing non-unions involves stabilizing the affected area through osteosynthesis and improving bone biology using bone grafts. However, there is no consensus on the optimal treatment method. This study aims to compare outcomes of non-union surgery us...
(11) which comes to rest on part of the sole of the foot (2), having two side parts (12, 13) which at least partly cover the outer and inner bones (3, 4) of the ankle, and having a connecting section (14) which connects the two side parts (12, 13) to each other in the ...
Nu¨ esch C, Valderrabano V, Huber C. Effects of supramalleolar osteotomies for ankle osteoarthritis on foot kinematics and lower leg muscle activation during walking. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 2014;29(3):257-64.Nuesch C, Valderrabano V, Huber C, Pagenstert G. Effects of supra...
TRIAL REGISTRATION: The EuReCa ONE Study is registered by ClinicalTrials.gov National Coordinator T02236819 ).doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2014.04.135Corina NüeschCora HuberGeert PagenstertVictor ValderrabanoElsevier B.V.Gait & Posture