Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center Top Podiatrists in Howell and Jackson, NJ Request an Appointment Welcome to Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center At Affiliated Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, we’ve been providing expert podiatry care for over 30 years. Our experienced podiatrists treat patients of all ...
Hybrid Bone Grafting in Reconstructions of the Foot and AnkleKeywords Hybrid bone graftingSubtalar fusionHowell, Steven J.Techniques in Orthopaedics
There were no floor and ceiling effects found for FFI-U. Conclusion The FFI-U has been found reliable, valid, and feasible tool to be used as a patient-reported outcome measure to assess functional levels with different foot and ankle disorders in Urdu speaking population....
Hybrid Bone Grafting in Reconstructions of the Foot and AnkleKeywords Hybrid bone graftingSubtalar fusionSummary: Use of a hybrid bone graft consisting of bone marrow and blood mixed with a crushed cancelldoi:10.1097/00013611-199601140-00001Howell...
Foot and Ankle Manual.Howell, Damien
Introduction: Traditionally, lower-limb prostheses are composed of passive components, which provide a fraction of the push-off power of the natural ankle-foot complex. In individuals with transtibial amputation (TTA), this leads to deviations and compensatory mechanisms. Studies have reported ...