RELEASED IN 1997 and directed by Andy Tennant, "Fools Rush In" is a romantic dramedy about a casual night of passion between a successful New Yorker (Matthew Perry) and a Mexican immigrant (Salma Hayek), but they learn that love is more than a Vegas marriage & an Elvis impersonator when...
The agony of realizing your smartphone screen is cracked is unmatched. But imagine the relief when you find out the crack is an illusion, a simple app-installed wallpaper designed to look like a damaged screen. The endorphin rush in the reveal might just make this one of the most satisfying...
Fools Rush In: Directed by Andy Tennant. With Matthew Perry, Salma Hayek, Jon Tenney, Carlos Gómez. After a one-night stand with Alex, Isabel realizes that she is pregnant and they decide to get married. However, along with the marriage comes compromise