We think it’s a gold record but then we never were good at math. Features: Life SucksThen You Die, World Dance Party, She Makes Me Feel Big, It’s A Night….. Read more Off 1 2 » Recent Posts Mike Says 9 Mike Says 30 Mike Says 23 10 NEW STUDIO TRACKS Mike Says 42 ...
That said, as I'm seeing a rise in usage of Sash Marshadow unironically, I'll do a brief recap on why it sucks: - Without a Life Orb or Choice Band it doesn't hit sufficiently hard to wallbreak - Entry hazards of any kind remove its niche - Overall it's a more i...
When you are “asleep” you have not awoken to the truth of life – of your reality. When we speak of “waking up” or refer to a “spiritual awakening” we are referring to a person who has tasted authenticity of being – not the lies and half-truths of man-made existence. So hav...
He sucks Rodney in and asks if he can ride a bike when Rodney asks about company vehicle. When "Ivor" asks for his name Rodney says he is Rodney Trotter and "Ivor" asks if he is one of the Trotter brothers and Rodney says he has not got a brother. Del then carries on pretending ...
The nerf still sucks, basically in an 8 purple 2 blue squad on TL its like losing 1 player, but its still more dps than it was before miralac was a thing. EDIT: Guess it doesn't embed the picture😞just puts a link from the discord copy image. ...
Are you saying that only Chinese can figure out others but it cannot work the opposite way? Understanding isn’t the same as experiencing. I can’t experience childbirth, but I can develop a pretty good understanding of what’s involved. I can never experience a lifetime of being rais...
At Tianya Forum, it was estimated that a Weng’an-related post has an average lifetime of 15 seconds before being deleted by the administrators. That was supposed to be a record speed. The same thing was happening at Sina.com, Sohu.com, Baidu, etc.” He then goes on to point out:...