Fool Me Once is a drama thriller television series based on the Harlan Coben book of the same name created by Danny Brocklehurst. Created for Netflix, the series follows the Stern family as they experience two murders that shake them to their core. However, closer investigation uncovers a stra...
netflix home unlimited tv shows & movies join now sign in fool me once 2024 | maturity rating: a16 | 1 season | thriller when ex-soldier maya sees her murdered husband on a secret nanny cam, she uncovers a deadly conspiracy that stretches deep into the past. starring: michelle ...
Exclusive: Trailer has dropped for Netflix’s latest Harlan Coben adaptation Fool Me Once.The series stars Michelle Keegan, Adeel Akhtar, Richard Armitage, Joanna Lumley, Emmett J. Scanlan and Dino Fetscher and is the latest in a long line of Coben Netflix shows.It follows Maya (Keegan), ...
Fool Me Once: With Michelle Keegan, Adeel Akhtar, Richard Armitage, Emmett J Scanlan. Widowed mum Maya is disturbed by an image of her late husband captured on her toddler's nanny cam.
Fool Me Once stars Michelle Keegan, Richard Armitage, and BAFTA winners Adeel Akhtar and Joanna Lumley.“Fool Me Once is a pulse pounder — a shocking story of how secrets and deceit have the power to bring people together while simultaneously tearing them apart,” Coben told Netflix.When ...
Adapted from a Harlan Coben novel, Fool Me Once stars Richard Armitage as a man who shows up on a live feed after supposedly being killed.
After a lot of anticipation Harlan Coben's newest mystery series Fool Me Once has officially dropped on Netflix. The eight-part series arrived on New Year's Day and tells the story of Maya Stern (Michelle Keegan) who sees her dead husband on a nanny cam in her house shortly after his ...
The trailer has just been released for Netflix’s ‘Fool Me Once’ which will feature a score by David Buckley and Luke Richards. Due to air on Netflix on New Year’s Day, the 8-part series stars Michelle Keegan, Richard Armitage, Joanna Lumley and Adeel Akhtar and is based on Ha...
Watch the full trailer here: What is the release date of Harlan Coben's Fool Me Once? Good news! Netflix has finally confirmed the release date of Harlan Coben's Fool Me Once, and it's set to be arriving on screens on 1st January. Perfect for a hungover New Year's Day cosy bi...
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