Even as a kid the money in the stove hurt, physically hurt me — my stomach is tightening just thinking about that scene. 5. Gigi Oh I thought Leslie Caron was so gorgeous — I didn’t see this til I was 10 or so and my goodness did she impress me. Maurice Chevalier – what a ...
Just before the remote control came into our society so at the age of 58, some of you might be there with me. You remember a time even before remotes, but once the remote control showed up and we were growing up as kids, my dad did something very simple, which I've done. I don...
Once you have a few tools in mind, find recent reviews, and demonstrations on YouTube, so you can get a sense of the look and the feel of the various options, I think that's important. When you see the tool, do you feel like that's something I want to engage with? Then try a...
be aware once the stock price goes above the strike price on the call, and if we're heading toward the next dividend date, you might lose your shares early and there's some formulas you need to worry about, but we go there. You might lose your shares early because the counterparty you...
In fact, let me just build on a point I made a minute ago. Very happy to say that already some pretty big time podcasts have lined me up for interviews to come out this summer. Dear listener, in addition to me being here every week for you, but just once a week, if we're ...
Alison Southwick: Once you do that math, it really doesn't seem like that much, does it? Buck Hartzell: Is just pocket change. Alison Southwick: Just pocket change. Well, Buffett is also called the Oracle of Omaha. So when people see this much cash lying around, they also start to wo...