however. even a few ounces of chocolate can be enough to cause in a small dog, so no amount or type of chocolate should be considered # safe" for a dog to eat. Chocolate toxicity can cause vomiting( ) , diarrhea, rapid or irregular heart rate, restlessness muscle tremors. and seizures...
What to eat when you are sick depends on your symptoms. For example, abland diet—including bread, cooked vegetables, eggs, and soup—may be ideal for a short period if you have diarrhea and vomiting.1In contrast, high-fiber foods like fruit and whole grains help alleviate constipation.2 ...
Nausea and vomiting can also make it difficult to eat like you normally do. If you suffer from shortness of breath, you might have a difficult time eating and drinking because you have to work harder to breathe. Having asore throatcan also make it hard to eat and drink normally. In gen...
Viral gastroenteritis is an intestinal infection marked by watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea or vomiting, headache, muscle aches and sometimes fever. It's often called a stomach bug or the stomach flu, but it's not actually the flu or influenza, which is a respiratory illness. This in...
Whether you slice it, mash it, or eat it whole, bananas are usually easy on the stomach. They can be a go-to food if you’ve been hit with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. 9/10 Toast Toast or crackers are convenient foods when you're fighting illness. They pair well with chicken no...
Exposure to foods contaminated with listeria, a harmful bacteria, is dangerous because it puts babies at risk for listeriosis. While healthy adults who develop listeriosis may come down with mild symptoms of nausea, vomiting anddiarrhea, developing babies can be at risk for death or lifelong health...
Made with natural ingredients and in a yummy chicken and rice flavor, even picky eaters love this dry food. Although it is often argued that a wet cat food is best for diarrhea (which we discuss later on) this dry cat food is low in carbohydrate which is the key for dry food when fi...
Phytohaemagglutinin is a lectin in red kidney beans. If the beans are not cooked properly, consuming them can lead to kidney beanpoisoning, which causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.14Properly cooking the beans reduces the lectin and makes the beans safe to eat. ...
This may result in vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures(痉挛) -- it can even be fatal.Mushrooms? Well, at least wild mushrooms. Store-bought mushrooms are OK to feed to your pet, but stay away from wild mushrooms. “Just as the wrong mushroom can be fatal to humans, the same applies to...
Other types of seafood poisoning can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even the sensation that your teeth are about to fall out.这有一个坏消息,鱼和贝类也许很美味,但是它们也是很多疑难杂症的起因。例如,异尖线虫病通常是由食用生鱼引起的肠胃疾病。同时,贝类中毒可能引起中风、神经中毒和记忆缺失等症状。其...