packed with abundant amounts and varieties of vitamins and minerals, unrivaled by other foods. Turns out, having been forced to eat your veggies as a kid wasn’t just a torture mechanism.
Food is one of our biggest allies but it can also become an enemy to our health. When you’re stressed out, it’s important to pay attention to what you eat because it can affect how much stress you feel. Given that too much stress is unhealthy, stress management can be a powerful t...
Current treatments can help, but they are limited. Finding more effective ways to treat or prevent depression is urgent, and some scientists are investigating dietary interventions. Studies have already identified that what we eat influences our mental health. For instance, areviewand meta-analysis ...
but studies have confirmed that they’re not great for your mind either. Research published in thePublic Health Nutritionjournal found that people who eat high levels of commercial baked goods and fast foods are 51 percent more likely to develop...
So here are six foods that this Harvard nutritionist (Dr Uma Naidoo) says can help improve your mood, and boost your brain power. 哈佛大学营养学家乌玛·奈杜博士称,这六种食品有助于改善我们的情绪、提高我们的脑力。 ...
These little fish aren’t for everyone, but they have lots of omega-3 fatty acids, which may help with depression and anxiety. The reason for that may be related to the way they can ease inflammation. If sardines are too fishy for you, trysalmonor albacore tuna, which are lighter but ...
Some of the things you'd probably be most likely to eat when battling depression are precisely the things that you should avoid. How's that for irony? If you know what you should avoid to try to keep from making things worse, at least you know that you're when you do successfully avo...
Spices aren't just for flavour. Turmeric can decrease anxiety. And it's thought that saffron could help alleviate symptoms of depression. 香料除了增添口味,还有其它好处。姜黄根粉可以缓解焦虑。而藏红花粉则被认为有助于减轻抑郁的症状。 Fermented foods like kimchi, yoghurt and miso contain live culture...
But eating healthy fats is not enough. Korn says we also need to eat foods that break down the fat. She suggests eating dark green vegetables.但吃健康的脂肪是不够的。 Korn说我们还需要吃能分解脂肪的食物。她建议吃深绿色的蔬菜。 "For example, if your liver and your gallbladder isn't workin...
While there’s no magic food that can “cure” or “treat” anxiety and depression (talk to your doc if you’re concerned), there are a few shifts that we can make in our daily food choices that have been studied for mood-boosting properties. Assuming we all want to eat food that’...