The iron and protein that a variety of meats and seafoods contain can also help your nails grow healthy and strong. The Dermatology Information System explains that a condition called koilonychia, or spoon nails, can develop if you are anemic due to a deficiency of dietary iron. Spoon nails ...
Among all the elite superfoods from across the world you hear about, there are also plenty of superfoods you can grow right in your own garden. If you think I’m kidding, I promise you it’s not too good to be true! The word, “superfood” simply refers to a food that holds spec...
These foods also support your gut microbiome, and having a healthy gut flora is essential for helping with nutrient absorption to bolster the hair, skin and nails. Chris Ryan Photo//Getty Images 2 Rainbow trout There aren't a ton of foods that are high in vitamin D, but rainbow trout is...
When your body needs more iron, your fingernails may become soft and bend away from your finger at the edges, creating a spoon-like shape. This could also be a sign of hemochromatosis, a condition that causes your body to absorb too much iron. Infants' nails may spoon at first, but it...
Healthy Foods That Help Hair Growth While eating the following foods won’t miraculously cause your hair to grow inches overnight, incorporating them regularly into a balanced diet encourages overall hair health, aiding in slower hair loss over time and promoting growth. ...
Both of these can help the scalp repair damage to its surface. They also provide the region with an added layer of protection against future damage or attack. The health and well-being of your scalp directly affects the strength and vitality of the hairs that grow out of it. Avocados ...
Dr. Sebi Approved Iron Fluoride Tea: Nourish Your Body and Mind Naturally Iron Fluoride Tea is an herbal remedy that has been used for centuries in China and Japan to treat various ailments. It is also known by its scientific name, ferric ammonium citrate.Why Do We Need Iro.. ...
like beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, along with the species-specific group of polysaccharides referred to asLycium barbarumpolysaccharides or LBPs. (*) These long chain sugars are immune modulating substances that have been show to help increase the production of certain enzymatic antioxidants, like supe...
that it’s good for cancer patients. In addition, cabbage is rich in vitamin C – a natural antibiotic, so it can help boost immunity. Cabbage juice is also recommended in treating stomach ulcers. Just with 1-cup serving of this vegetable, you can provide your body with 75% of your ...
Aside from cholesterol levels, turmeric can also help you manage your uric acid levels. This means that you can better protect yourself from arthritis as long as you eat food with this spice. This is one of the best reasons you can give to eat more curry!