Theketo dietis a high-fat, very-low-carbohydrate diet. While there is little research on the keto diet and BPH, it should be noted that historically, high-fat diets have been shown to negatively affect prostate health.22 Research suggests that diets high in saturated fat may increase obesity...
Prostate enlargement The prostate naturally grows with age, a common occurrence in all adult males. However, there’s a higher chance of growth in patients with a high DHT level. In the prostate gland, there’s an alpha-reductase enzyme. This enzyme convertstestosteroneinto DHT inside the pros...
which is very important for sexual function. Besides, it also helps in repairing damaged tissue, reducing the PMS symptoms in women, promoting natural lubrication, and dealing with prostate enlargement in men. Food sources of vitamin E include mustard...
Studiessuggest that flaxseeds can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. That is becauseflaxseedshave high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. They have various health benefits too. For example, it promotes heart health. Additionally, it also prevents hypertension and stroke. However, it also has signi...
One study looked at children who ate a soy protein formula for at least six months. It found that the soy did not affect the children's hormone levels. The female children did not go throughpremature puberty, and the male children did not havebreast enlargement. ...
Salmon is a major food asset of docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, an exact fatty acid that endorses the enlargement and growth of your developing baby’s nervous structure. Spice a part of fresh salmon with your preferred herbs and flavors. ...
This sweet and refreshing fruit contains a compound that provides the same results as the medicines manufactured for erectile dysfunction. The majority of the watermelon’s content is water but it is also loaded with lycopene and antioxidant that is good for your heart, prostate and skin. Oysters...
Nevertheless, the fact that isoflavones can bind to estrogen receptors has still raised concerns among some that they can negatively affect human health. Let’s dig a little deeper into what the science says: Myth #1: “Soy is linked to developing or worsening breast cancer” As noted earlier...