Researchers are finding that gut bacteria and the development of mental issues such as depression are complexly intertwined, and this is what’s known as the gut-brain connection. The probiotics in fermented foods such as plain y...
As you might expect, diet plays an enormous role in helping to correct and maintain a healthy gut — so it’s important to incorporate foods that feed the good bacteria. Eating the right foods may also help counteract some of the things we ingest that our guts view as “foreign invaders,...
Broadly speaking, food fermentation can be broken down into 3 distinct processes that are used to produce most of the fermented foods currently available for consumption: lactic acid fermentation, ethyl alcohol fermentation, and acetic acid fermentation (Table 1)....
Artichokes are one of the best high-fiberfoods to remedy constipationbecause they contain insoluble fiber as well as inulin, a prebiotic that stimulates the growth of good gut bacteria, per theNational Library of Medicine. One medium-sized cooked artichoke accounts for24 percentof your DV of fibe...
and brain health. In primarily animal data, processed food consumption is linked to inflammation, leaky gut, and microbiome changes. Inobservational data, these foods are linked to higher rates of gut diseases and disorders. In general, avoiding highly processed food is a good move for ...
Taking Care Of Your Gut Microbiome Probiotics and natural, unprocessed foods are a good way to go if you want to promote healthy diversity among the microbes that live in your gut. There’s lots of reasons to want to maintain a healthy level of gut microbiome diversity, even beyond the Aut...
Our bodies are actually incapable of digesting prebiotics — so, when they're eaten, the bacteria in your gut ferments them along your GI tract, according to theUniversity of Massachusetts Medical School Center for Applied Nutrition. This helps the good gut bacteria grow, which can promote healt...
“The balance of bacteria in the gut microbiota may have an impact on everything from digestive health—bloating, gas, and bowel movements—to mental health, and may also be related to chronic disease,” Matone says. A dysregulated gut microbiome may play a part in the development of ...
"Meanwhile, since they are convenient as a quick meal, they also replace eating food that is high in plant fiber that is important for maintaining the health and balance of the trillions of bacteria in your gut microbiome," he added, "which is particularly important for brain health and ...
The benefits of good gut health Gut microbiota refers to the colony of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses, that live inside your intestines and stomach. It’s what makes you, well, you. ‘Your microbiome is a part of who you are. It’s deeply personal and very unique...