摘要: 虽然前列腺肥大与前列腺癌不同,不会立即危及生命,但如果不及时治疗和忽视,可能会导致慢性疾病,引发肾衰竭等其他可能危及生命的并发症。 煮熟的西红柿比未煮熟的西红柿能为人体提供更多的番茄红素,这种物质能帮助将前列腺肥大的几率降低 35%。 如果出现以下症状,应尽早就医,以便进行详细诊断和接受适当的治疗:排尿...
Orangevegetablesare an excellent source of beta-carotene, lutein, and vitamin C. These nutrients may lower your odds of developing an enlarged prostate, according to a large study. Good choices include red bell peppers, carrots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes. ...
as well as vision and immune function. Pumpkin seeds also have protective compounds known as phytosterols, which might help a lot in combating an enlarged prostate. The seeds are perfect to be roasted and lightly salted, and the flesh of the pumpkin is very tasty in everything from smoothies...
The calorie value for protein on the Nutrition Facts labels of foods is4 Calories per gram,which represents“metabolizable energy,”which can be used by the human body. But if we distract the energy used to digest, absorb and metabolize protein, we get3.2 Calories per gramof“net metabolizable...
2.2. Nanotechnology for Medical and Nutrition Research As mentioned above, dietary supplements are useful for the prevention or reduction of different pathophysiological situations and diseases, supported by their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antitumoral properties, among others [89]. Encouraged by ...
The Effectiveness ADAM Series Axtension helps to reduce the size of enlarged prostate. It is also able to relieve urinary problems by the reduction of obstruction in the urinary flow. Besides that, this product contains antioxidant which helps to battle cancerous growth as well as being a natur...