While "Attack Cuisine" is not denied to outsiders and is in fact freely offered, only the people who have gone through the "Bride Training" and have become users of the Newkama Kenpo are allowed to learn the 99 recipes of the Attack Cuisine, though there are exceptions to the rule. An...
Children use cues of illness when making social decisions; by 5 years of age, children report social preferences for people who are physically clean rather than dirty (Rottman et al., 2020) and avoid playing with a person who appears to be sick (Blacker & LoBue, 2016). Indeed, children...
Because a bland diet lacks strong flavors and seasoning, it can appeal to people who suffer from these symptoms. You can still get all the nutrients you need by following the bland regime. What can you eat on a bland diet? Most foods allowed on a bland diet are starchy, soft, and lo...
Kefir grains are added to unpasteurized milk or raw milk and allowed to ferment for 12-24 hours depending on the temperature of your home. (Learn how to make home-made yogurt here) This makes a delicious probiotic-rich food with the consistency of liquid yogurt. Yo...
Thanks so much for a great synopsis of the book and great responses to the questions people have asked here. ReplyLink Penny HammondMarch 6, 2014, 12:19 pm If you can eat eggs, they’re allowed on this diet (organic or pasture-raised). ...
Giardia is hard to test for, and I proved this by testing negative for it. Finally, we found giardia in my system and I took an epic course of antibiotics that destroyed it. But my system was still massively disrupted. The changes in my system had allowed a negative bacteria to tak...