GB 14754食品添加剂维生素C(抗坏血酸)Food additive--Vitamin C(Ascorbic acid) GB 14755食品添加剂维生素D2(麦角钙化醇)Food additive--Vitamin D2(Ergocalciferol) GB 14756食品添加剂维生素E(d1-α-醋酸生育酚)Food additive--Vitamin E(d1-α-Tocopheryl acetate) ...
作者: D. Sunita Rao and N. Raghuramulu 摘要: Plankton, the chief food source of fish, was assessed as the possible dietary origin of vitamin D in fish. The presence of vitamin D compounds were examined in fresh water phytoplankton and zooplankton employing a series of chromatographic ...
If you're looking to naturally boost your Vitamin D levels (maybe you're displaying symptoms of a deficiency) then there are certain foods, such as eggs, salmon
Vitamin D3, vitamin D2, 25‐hydroxyvitamin D3 [25(OH)D3], and 25‐hydroxyvitamin D2 [25(OH)D2]constitute the vitamin D activity in food. In general, vitamin D activity in food depends on the food's fat content, the feed the animals have been fed, and the animal's exposure to ...
Eggs are nutrient-dense, with about 7 grams of protein per large egg at only 75 calories. Eggs contain 13 essential nutrients. These include the vitamins folate, riboflavin and vitamin D; the minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, selenium and zinc; the phytonutrients lutein and zeaxanthin...
卡路里(热量单位) St Andrews [səntˈændruːz] 圣安德鲁斯 association[əˌsəusiˈeiʃən] n,协会;关联 (英国城市) regardless [riˈgɑːdlis] adv.不顾;不加理 会 regardless of 不管;不顾 category[ˈkætigəri] n.类别:种类 vitamin [ˈvitəmin] n....
Vitamin D deficiency as a public health issue: using vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 in future fortification strategies The role of vitamin D in supporting the growth and maintenance of the skeleton is robust; with recent research also suggesting a beneficial link between vi... LR Wilson,L Tripkovic...
Vitamin D (vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin D2 supplement):plays a vital role in bone health as it is essential for the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Unlike humans, pets are unable to produce sufficient vitamin D with sunlight exposure. ...
Only a limited number of foods naturally contain vitamin D such as fish, meat and offal, and eggs, and milk and dairy products. However, all these foods in addition contain the metabolite 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD). From the few systematic studies which have been performed the food content...
Vitamin D I fortify plant-based milk with a vitamin D2 or vegan D3 pill, dissolved into the milk in a blender. I use an 5000 IU pill for a liter or so of almond milk, or for two glasses (~24-32 oz) of a shake. I haven’t found this to have any noticeable taste, or to ...