(2017) found that under good management, 50% indigenous Zebu by Bos taurus crossbreds for dairy production provided greater net economic benefits to households than did alternative options involving pure indigenous, highly introgressed (with Bos Taurus) or alternative crosses. Most studies concur with ...
This is why I am overjoyed that the House has belatedly passed the aid to Ukraine bill, but unspeakably frustrated with our inability to rid ourselves of people who are ready to throw our security, and Ukraine, under the bus. Dmitri Medvedev meltdown: He’s hoping for a civil war in the...
data set of daily sub-national time series of the prevalence of people with insufficient food consumption, in six countries in West Africa and the Middle East: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, Nigeria, Syria and Yemen (see the Methods for a detailed definition of the indicator under investigation...
are related to the deformation, disintegration and flow of food under force; • are measured objectively by functions of mass, time and distance. More recently,Szczesniak (1990)has defined food texture as “the sensory manifestation of the structure of food and the manner in which this structur...
2012, 75, 2050–2054. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). http-equiv="content-type" ...
In the realm of diets, nutrition and health, food safety is an area lacking indicators (and data), though food safety capacity is captured in governance. Under environment, natural resources and production, a gap regarding sustainable agriculture will be filled with SDG 2.4.1 (agricultural area ...
http://www.sciencepg.com/journal/ijfsb Submit an Article Submit an Abstract 1-2 weeks Time to first decision 4-6 weeks First decision to acceptance 1-2 weeks Acceptance to publication 100% Open Access Recommend to Library Join as Editor-in-Chief ...
Food and non-alcoholic drinks are…under fire, and blamed for a range of health issues. France and Ireland are now cracking down on that scourge on society: fizzy drinks. Ireland introduced a new tax on sugary drinks, while France increased the tax created in 2012 under French president ...
A new technique has the potential to change the foods we eat every day, boosting flavor, disease resistance, and yields, and even tackling allergens like gluten—and scientists say they're working only with nature's own tools.
Under a Creative Commons license open accessHighlights Abstract Efforts to model marine food-webs are generally undertaken by small teams working separately on specific regions (<106 km2) and making independent decisions about how to deal with data gaps and uncertainties. Differences in these largely ...