Listed under “from Tamil Nadu,” the golf ball-sized bonda ($15/4) is wonderfully crisp and fried to golden outside, its interior curd rice creamy and just a tick tart. The bite-sized pieces of fried chicken from Kanyakumari ($18) have a good crunch, too, and a much milder finish...
Starting Your Own Gourmet Food Truck Business Starting Indian Food FranchiseOf course, choosing a location and setting up shop is intertwined tightly with your budget or overhead expenses. If your pocket can afford it then add what you can to your restaurant. If not though, you should be prud...
Govt. of Kerala. Kumar said that food fortification is receiving significant consideration in the community. He added, “The government and food manufacturers have implemented different schemes and projects to drive the addition of micronutrients into food. As a public health policy this...
There are different types of ‘adas’ (a delicacy steamed in banana leaves) at the fest such as ‘Katukka Ada’,Chemmeen Ada,Meen Ada’etc are some of the items among around ten varieties of adas. And many more mouth watering dishes are ready for the food fans in the city. I...
[29] of the crop yield protection model for a district in Tamil Nadu. Then, empirical investigation suggested that SVM (support vector regression) implementation is better than KNN (k-nearest neighbor) decision tree models. The SVM model with two other enhanced variants, F-SVM (fuzzy-support ...
To illustrate, in 2012, Breitling Oil and Gas paid $68,000 (a mere 0.2% of the $3.5 million spent to hydraulically fracture the well) to truck 13,000 m3 of water from Oklahoma to its operations [24]. In the Permian Basin, the cost to drill and complete a well might be up to $...