Investing in the Future Discover the evolving megatrends in our economy, society and environment and how investors can be well-positioned for long-term returns. Learn moreabout investing in the future Future trends The long-term inv...
Current trends in designing the food of the future and how the Food Innovation Lab is aiming to contribute to it. Significant changes in consumer expectations of the food industry, and increased public awareness of food...
Explore the latest news and expert commentary on Food Trends, brought to you by the editors of Fi Global Insights
After shedding light on the nature of the challenges that agriculture and food systems are facing now and throughout the 21st century, the study provides insights into what is at stake and what needs to be done. "Business as usual" is not an option. Major transformations in agricultural syst...
Market Trends The unstoppable rise of food delivery services Meal kit delivery on an upward swing Ghost kitchens busted Global food tech market ascendant Tech Trends Restaurant management systems attract interest Drone deliveries in the food industry — a weighty issue?
Another superfood that has caused a stir already isalgae. It’s among 10 of the most mentioned vegan food trends for the year ahead, and covers a versatile range of plant foods, from superfood powder spirulina to seaweed. In fact, algae is so hot, the high-end restaurant Central in Per...
Using an integrated assessment modelling framework, this study finds that under current trends, most social and environmental targets related to the Chinese food system are not aligned with the UN 2030 Agenda. Bundling policies addressing public health, environmental sustainability and livelihood improvement...
Trends come and go, and new products keep emerging.How can brands stand out from the chaotic fights of snack players?When young people go outdoors more, consumers start to please themselves, tastiness becomes the top need again, and consumer loyalty continues to wane … What possibilities are ...
Information about futuretrendsis very important for companies in the food business. How does she actually predict thesetrends? Sam She says she starts with ahunch. Ahunchis a feeling you get that something is true. You don’t have any real ev...
the risk of early onset of obesity-related health complications, which were once thought to be only problems for adults. The early occurrence of these diseases can have serious consequences on children’s future risk of non-communicable diseases (Park et al., 2012). The economic price of ...