Certain income deductions are made before determining food stamp eligibility. All households receive a standard deduction of $142 to $205 monthly. The first 20 percent of your earned income is also deducted. Qualifying households may also have a portion of child care, medical, child support, shel...
So I was very interested when I came across some state-by-state numbers from the Department of Agriculture showing food stamp participation compared to food stamp eligibility. There are some clear similarities between these food stamp numbers and the Moocher Index. Maine and Vermont are in the to...
Oregon Will Feel Food Stamp Cuts
The share of adults in households that have struggled to get enough to eat has risen in the U.S this summer, following the end of food stamp expansions earlier this year.
1939: Government launches food stamp program In an effort to help low-income families afford food, the federal government launched a food stamp program in 1939. It was in effect for four years, after which the country switched over to ration stamps. 1940: Government formalizes definition for en...
Results from a statewide survey of Oregon's food stamp population. Journal of Rural Health 25(1): 1-7.DeVbe, J. E., Krois, L. & Stenger, R. (2009). Do children in rural areas still have different access to health care? Results from a statewide survey of Oregon's food stamp ...
Do children in rural areas still have different access to health care? Results from a statewide survey of Oregon's food stamp population, The Journal of Rural Health, 25 (1), s. 1-7.DeVoe JE, Krois L, Stenger R. Do children in rural areas still have different access to health care?