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Article 17 March 2022 Impact of Casual and Permanent Off-Farm Activities on Food Security: The Case of India Chapter © 2020 The effect of large-scale agricultural investments on household food security in Madagascar Article 13 July 2020 Data availability Due to ethical concerns over prote...
Thus, we address the determinants of food security status with reference to women farmers, the determinants of access to irrigation technology as a critical determinant of food security and the effect of cooperatives on nutritional status. We used primary data from Kakamega, Kenya. Descriptive data...
Similarly, lockdown measures are associated with 12 percentage points reduction in the probability of participation in non-farm business activities. These lockdown measures have limited implications on wage-related activities and farming activities. In terms of food security, households relying on non-...
weeks (<0.001), emotional stress (p<0.001), mother´s education (0.002) and household food security (0.001) with transacting sex for food. A higher proportion of those who were married, divorced, or separated, classified as “Not single” (23.5%) were involved in transactional sex as ...
Food security is a social determinant of health and a sustainable development goal (SDG). Goal 2 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development set by the United Nations in 2015 aims to “eradicate hunger” and “ensure access by all people, including the poor and vulnerable people, to safe...
Food safety is integral to food security and is increasingly becoming a significant concern in the urban areas of Africa, which are rapidly growing in population. In the case of Ghana, many urban households depend on traditional open-air markets for most
Food insecurity, defined as the lack of physical or economic access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food, remains one of the main challenges included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Near real-time data on the food insecurity situation
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(2022). Food is inevitable but the land is mismanaged: Exploring the impacts of local actors utilization of land resources on food security in Nigeria. GeoJournal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-022-10670-z Article Google Scholar Firdaus, R. R., Senevi Gunaratne, M., Rahmat, S. R....