Access to safe and nutritious food has been considered a fundamental right for all citizens, and successive governments have implemented policies to ensure food availability and affordability.However, the link between food security and national security has become increasingly evident in recent years. Ind...
所以,food security强调的是确保人们都能得到维持健康生活所需要的粮食,主要跟粮食的供应和人们获取的渠...
The people are the foundation of a country; food is the primary need of the people. As food decides national prosperity and the people's wellbeing, food security is a major prerequisite for national security. Since the found...
而food security是一个更加高大上的话题,比如说在非洲这种充满了饥饿的地方,是不是保留了足够的可耕地...
However, the paper noted that in the medium to long term, China's grain production and demand will remain closely aligned, which means China must not slacken its efforts to ensure food security. 甘肃省张掖市的农民正在晾晒玉米。图片来源:中国日报 【知识点】 《中国的粮食安全》白皮书约1.2万字,...
国务院关于确保国家粮食安全工作情况的报告8月28日提请十四届全国人大常委会第五次会议审议。报告提出,将从加强粮食安全保障体系和能力建设、加大农业保护支持力度、加快构建现代粮食产业和流通体系等8方面保障国家粮食安全。 China has proposed eight tasks to ensure national food security, including strengthening the co...
MTI翻硕大本营 粮食安全保障体系和能力建设 food security system and capacity-building 耕地保护制度farmland protection system 高标准农田high-quality farmland 国家粮食安全战略national strategies for food security 发布于 2023-09-01 10:20・IP 属地上海 ...
Mr Sunak heaped praise on British farmers, saying: “We’re strengthening support for your primary role to produce the nation’s food security as a vital part of our national security. “And recent years have brought home the truth of that. Putin set off not just an energy p...
网络国家粮食安全 网络释义 1. 国家粮食安全 food... ... Food For Security : 粮食换保障National food security:国家粮食安全Food Security Mission : 食品安全己任 ...|基于3个网页 例句 释义: 全部,国家粮食安全
food security system and capacity-building 国务院关于确保国家粮食安全工作情况的报告8月28日提请十四届全国人大常委会第五次会议审议。报告提出,将从加强粮食安全保障体系和能力建设、加大农业保护支持力度、加快构建现代粮食产业和流通体系等8方面...