自引率安全范围内,可放心投稿。 Food Science&Nutrition目标是使与食品科学和营养的所有方面有关的基础和应用研究以及跨越这两个领域的跨学科研究得到迅速传播。 01 基本信息 期刊名称:Food Science&Nutrition; 期刊ISSN:2048-7177; 出版地区:United Kingdom; 出版商:John Wiley and Sons Ltd; 涉及的研究方向:Agricu...
Food science and nutrition投稿情况经验分享2021年09月12日 阅读数3442恭喜王老师在我公司润色的论文在三区期刊《Food science and nutrition》发表。 期刊信息如下: 期刊名称:Food science and nutrition 影响因子:1.7 中科院分区:3区 一审周期:5周 难易程度评价:较简单,OA期刊...
Food Science & Nutritionenables the rapid dissemination of fundamental and applied research related to all aspects of food science and nutrition, as well as interdisciplinary research that spans these two fields. An open access publication, ...
Food Science & Nutrition is the peer-reviewed journal for rapid dissemination of research in all areas of food science and nutrition. The Journal will consider submissions of quality papers describing the results of fundamental and applied research related to all aspects of food and nutrition, as w...
从CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION的各项指标来看,影响因子稳定在10分以上,自引率有上升趋势,但无预警风险,期刊属于综述文章,但年发文量超过500篇,审稿周期中等,期刊属于中科院1区Top期刊,投稿还是有一定的难度。 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION涵盖涉及营养、功能性食品、食品安全和食...
投稿期刊的选择对论文能否快速发表至关重要。当期刊编辑收到新稿件,首先考虑的便是文章内容是否符合期刊要求。怎么才能做到有的放矢?SCI投稿板块不定期推送食品相关SCI期刊简介及分析,期望能助力你的论文顺利发表。 01基本信息 期刊:International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition ...
期刊投稿网址https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/foodsciencenutrition 收稿范围 Food Science & Nutrition enables the rapid dissemination of fundamental and applied research related to all aspects of food science and nutrition, as well as interdisciplinary research that spans these two fields. An open access...
Tranion Factors and Regulate Network in Food Plant Stress and Growth Responses 稿件提交截止日期:2025年8月22日 本期特刊的主题是粮食作物基因的分子生理与进化。探究这些变化如何影响作物关键的农艺性状,如产量、对非生物/生物逆境的抗性以及营养价值等,对作物生产和粮食安全至关重要。
期刊名称: Food Science & Nutrition 出版社或管理机构: Wiley Periodicals, Inc. ISSN: 2048-7177(电子版) 影响因子: 1.521 期刊介绍 Food Science & Nutrition是一本同行评议的期刊,旨在快速传播食品科学与营养各个领域的研究成果。该刊发表与食品和营养各方面相关的基础和应用研究的结果,以及这两个领域的跨学科...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCES AND NUTRITION 期刊简介 英文简介: The primary aim of this unique international journal is to integrate food science with nutrition. Topics covered include: impact of nutritional science on food product development nutritional implications of food processing bioavailibi...