ISO 22000:2018 is the ISO standard that outlines the requirements for a comprehensive food safety management system covering all areas of the entire food supply chain. This particular standard includes objectives, such as identifying relevant food safety hazards, establishing critical control measures, ...
Recent standards and regulations have defined food safety. For instance,ISO 22000:2005defines food safety as the concept that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use. In this definition, it notes that food safety refers specificall...
Although food businesses are generally responsible for ensuring the safety of the food they produce, governments usually consider that this has to be ensured through the use offood legislation. This chapter provides an overview of the main objectives of food law, the main elements that the legislat...
In most of the studied countries, there is indication that antimicrobials and other growth-promoting compounds are being used in livestock production with inadequate veterinary oversight. Notable examples include China, where a large, uncertain quantity of such additives is used for both prophylactic and...
which includes understanding the internal and external factors that can impact the FSMS, the role of top management and quality control experts in establishing food safety policies and the objectives for that specific industry, risk management, objectives, and planning to achieve food safety in that ...
seaweed; nutritional; human food; sub-products; food industry; benefits; concerns; safety; food quality; regulation 1. Introduction The world population is growing to a level where the current system of food production is not capable of regularly providing food for over 9 billion people, and it...
In the European Union (EU), several regulations on food safety and quality management (QM) in the agrifood sector apply to all Member States. In 2002, the EU substantially revised food legislation and set its main objectives. These are the protection of public health, plant health, and anima...
Fewer studies investigate the implementation of the lean concept in the supply chain, and identify the most important tools and techniques that carry out the objectives of the lean concept in the supply chain. Thus, this study aims to determine the ways to implement the lean concept in the ...