The primary legal Act governing food in Poland is the Food and Nutrition Safety Act of 25 August 2006 (as amended). It specifies the requirements applicable to food and nutrition, concerning product labelling, hygienic conditions throughout the production process, and product replacement rules, as ...
There has already been extensive investigation into some of the main target species that have confirmed their food safety both for fermentation, ingredient production and SCP use. Special attention must be paid to possible contamination in the process and to the potential production of endo and exo...
Conn RE, Kolstad JJ, Borzelleca JF, Dixler DS, Filer LJ Jr, LaDu BN Jr (1995) Safety assessment of polylactide (PLA) for use as a food-contact polymer. Food Chem Toxicol 33:273–283 Article CAS Google Scholar Conte A, Gammariello D, Di Giulio S, Attanasio M, Del Nobile MA (...
In contrast, the European Food Safety Authority, following the CODEX Alimentarius Commission definition ofdietaryfiber (Jones2014), acknowledges that benefits beyond nutrition can occur but does not formally distinguishfunctionalfromdietaryfiber because no analytical methods exist for this differentiation (EFSA...
On the other hand,Chapter 13summarizes the current legislation in force in the United States, as well as the ongoing development of legal requirements, guidance, and rule-making at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to meet the legislative requirements in theFood Safety Modernization Actof...
Food safety risk management is an important cross-boundary issue around the world from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Public–public collaboration is the most basic form of cross-boundary governance. This study investigates the main factors affecting the governance effectiveness in public–pu...
(e.g., the main focus on producers, retailers or policy, supply chain, plants or no consumer perceptions, n = 1516) or not related to food-related sustainability (e.g., electricity savings, smart savings or food safety, n = 1016) or both (e.g., other science fields, health, media...
To manage this, participants cited food safety, Government and health sources as those they would most frequently approach for information during food incidents. Media as a public watchdog Some media actors described an extension of the role of a conduit to a role as a public watch dog, or ...
Meat and Meat Products Act—Malawi; Meat Inspection Regulations—Malawi; Meat Marketing Regulations—Malawi; Meat Act 3/665 November 1974—Mauritius; Meat Safety Act, 2000—South Africa; Livestock and Meat Industries Act (No. 32 of 1962)—Botswana. ...
Public attitudes, perceptions, and consumer acceptance; regulatory uncertainty; and health and safety are the most identified barriers in the literature, and the results obtained from the value elicitation from experts compared favorably with evidence from the literature. Experts' recognize regulatory agenc...