Period2ReadingAVocabularyFocus——姚静渝上海市光明中学 PeriodNo.ObjectivesActivities121.Tolearnthetargetwordsandexpressionsintheprocessoftextualinteraction;2.Tousethetargetwordsandexpressionsindifferentcontextsatdifferentcomprehensionlevels;3.Tounderstandandusehyponymsincontext.1.QuickResponse2.KeyVocabularyUse3.Hyponym...
ReadingA &Vocabulary Focus——姚静渝上海市光明中学PeriodNo.ObjectivesActivities121.To learnthetargetwordsandexpressions inthe processoftextualinteraction;2.Tousethetargetwordsandexpressions indifferent contexts atdifferentcomprehensionlevels;3.To understandand use hyponyms incontext.1.Quick Response2. KeyVocabula...
译林版高中英语选择性必修第一册精品课件 UNIT 1 Food matters Section C Extended reading,Project,Assessment Further study.ppt,;Part 1 Reading comprehension;;第一步 速读课文 理清脉络 Activity 1 Read the text quickly and find out the main theme of the text.;
AChickenfeetBPigearsCRoastbeer.DStinkytofu.3Mumadvisedusnottoeattoomuchroastfoodbecause Ashedoesn`+liketheBritishcuisineBsheisChinesefoodlover roastfoodmaymakeussufferfromheatinsideourbodiesDroastfoodtastessoterribleReadingcomprehension love...darenottry...besurprisedby...beshockedat...doesnottaketoeating…...
Comprehension questions What has been shed on the dangers of ultra-processed food? What kind of pizza constitutes ultra-processed food? Where are most of the ingredients in ultra-processed food from? How many people were part of the research?
人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册 UNIT 3 FOOD AND CULTURE Section C Using Language Assessing Your Progress.ppt,;Part 1 Reading comprehension;;第一步速读课文 理清脉络 Task 1 Read the text quickly and find out what it is mainly about. A.Harm of fatty food. B
COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE - QUIZ ROLE PLAY Role A – Fines You think fines are the best way to reduce food waste. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why their things won't work. Also, tell the others which is the least effective of these (and why): using smaller...
Step Reading ComprehensionPara3.1.When you say some words in anger, your bad temper will leave a scar just like the hole. 当你说一些气话的时候,你的坏脾气将留下像当你说一些气话的 12、时候,你的坏脾气将留下像这个洞一样的伤痕。这个洞一样的伤痕。2. Even if you say you are sorry, the...
Comprehension questions What has been shed on the dangers of ultra-processed food? What kind of pizza constitutes ultra-processed food? Where are most of the ingredients in ultra-processed food from? How many people were part of the research? Who had a higher risk of developing bowel cancer?
(2021). The McGovern-Dole food for education and child nutrition program (MGD): A comparative analysis of reading comprehension gains in Central America. World Development Perspectives, 21. D’Cruz, P., Noronha, E., Banday, M. U. L., et al....